This weekend erased the last vestiges of winter gloom. My good girl
Katie loaded up her car with art supplies, food and jammies and drove down for a weekend visit. She made me the apron in the photograph above and she brought warm weather, spring and the joyful vibration of her kind spirit with her. It is a sort of wonder, I think, the way a well-loved friend can comfort your soul. And so we had a time out of time.

We started on Friday night with the IEA meeting at
Amy Stoner's house. We share a 'no-guilt' potluck before each meeting and this one included 2 kinds valentine cupcakes. I couldn't choose so I ate both.

After an enthusiastic discussion, the dozen of us trooped downstairs into Amy's studio and I did a demonstration of a shellac technique with torch and hot wax. We only ignited the shellac once and put the little flare up out quickly. Much laughter. (I hope Amy's husband isn't reading this!)

Everyone who wanted to got to try out the technique. This is
Katie having a go.

On Saturday we grabbed a latte and headed over to
Diane's studio for
Stephanie Lee's Plaster workshop. Although I took over 70 photos I am going to keep this short; only to tell you that a small class at
Diane's studio (classes limited to 10 or less) is the most personal instruction and fun you will ever get. I sat right next to Stephanie and soaked up all her fabulousness for the entire day. We had the best group of plasterers you could ask for, the food was wonderful as always with snacks and hot beverages all day long. Here is one of many things I made.

I know - it's as ugly as a skunk but I never laughed harder and for that reason I 'll never be able to look at it without remembering all the joy bound up in it's making. Katie brought the hand door knocker that we used for casting - I had wooden numbers and the picture frame was from a small metal object. I brought the collage elements (photo of my mother). I call it the cake.

We also made plaster book pages. This is one of mine. I'll show it to you bound with the others once they are cured and finished.

Of course there was an after-party party at the local party place. Duelling cameras and all of that. The others will post photos too but these are my favorites. Diane and I above; isn't she a cutie?

Sue Hadden, Katie and Stephanie. We talked art, babies, husbands, life, friends, future plans, hopes, dreams, wishes. Just like the sewing bees of a century ago, the gals like to get together and let loose. There is a spiritual aspect to so much laughter and friendship. It is good.

I only had one of these bad boys so don't go thinking I'm a lush. I'm pumped now to work and play and share with you. I'll get caught up one of these days. Thanks for stopping by.