I'm afraid this is going to be another one of those rambling, ADD blog entries where I drag you through the studio, down the road, out to the garden and back again.

First some journal pages which I haven't posted in awhile. This is why I have e-mails to catch up on. I feel like things will come unglued if I don't work in the journal and make some pictures. I'm keeping the world in one piece.

It gives me something to do when I'm waiting for my mojo. And then something to do with the mojo when it returns. It makes me happy.

First there is the life I live, then the life I live in the journal and finally the life I post here to the blog. I love to take scraps of things, evidence, photographs, little stories, and make them into something cohesive. I love the story.

A local artist that I've long admired painted an abstract with a color palette that set me afire so I turned out a version of her painting as a journal spread. These are my colors.

I did this page in the back of the room during
Katie's class at Los Gatos. She always loosens me up and jiggles my right brain.

Opalescent colors.

My Graham Thomas rose. Blooming brightly despite neglect.

My friends came to visit this weekend; we had a play day in the studio and a visit to the neighbor's farm animals.

Jose confides in me that he doesn't really like to help with the yard work but that he has to or he'll grow up to be lazy. I whisper to him that if he is lazy he should grow up to be an artist. He gives me a big smile.

We paint.

Everyone makes beautiful paintings and tries out all the new colors I've added since their last visit.

Celeste has a natural eye for the abstract.

Jose's piece is very powerful.

Celeste's finished painting.

Brenda paints pictures with lots of emotion. This is her family with the black hair and John and I above, the viejos (old ones).

My Fairy Rose, blooming madly in the shade of the blue spruce.

And the goats we visited, talking to us of their love of tender grape leaves which we obligingly bring to them.

Little piggies.

One type of hydrangea growing on our place. I delivered a specimen of this variety to one of my daughters' house yesterday. She'll add it to her collection.

I shot this photo at the other daughter's house. I made this doll for her -the compass in her tummy is to insure that she will never lose her way in life. I like how the doll is kicking up her heels.

Coneflower in the garden.

Self-Portrait for SP Wednesday. Ahhh, now it's time to watch my soap opera (ha ha, my dirty little secret). I hope this is a good mojo day for all of you too. xo