Just a few more photos to share as the majority are at my
flickr site. I swiped one of these photos off a friend's site and the rest were taken at random moments for blackmail purposes. Don't worry; you all look

This is the one I swiped off the
Pookieville site, home of my friend
Tyn Atol. This is
Kari and myself, reflecting the spirit of
Artfest. Sweet, dreamy happiness. This was taken after a day of waxy goodness.
Misty and
LK, taken the first night after introductions. Shortly after this they shared an arm wrestle - I'm not sure who won but Misty's sure looking fierce.
Katie and myself, mellow or maybe just exhausted after a day of classes.
Alex Shur joined us. She's a marvellous artist and will be teaching in June at
Squam (New Hampshire) and in August at
Art Unraveled in Phoenix. Her classes are highly recommended.
Sue Hadden isn't teaching yet but I'm working on her. She makes deliciously off-center paper clay beings.
Melissa Manley teaches classes in making objects, flowers, insects and jewelry out of gut. It is a fascinating material and the things I've seen made out of it are beautiful and strange.

This bug has wings made out of wire and gut and he looks real.
Mary Beth Shaw and Katie again. I've seen Mary Beth around for awhile and always admired her paintings but now that I've gotten to know her better I can testify to her quick humor and wonderful smile. She's FUN.
Bee and me. She's the woman with the best ideas. The organizer, instigator and
revelator. She's so busy DOING things that she doesn't often post to her blog but then we love her anyway. The two of us are teaching a printmaking class this fall at
Art and Soul and we're both super excited about it. She ain't heavy; she's my sister.

Forgive me,
LK, I got carried away doodling on your photo before I found out that you can only back up so many steps in
PhotoElements. So I left the doodle on; think of it as
LK and her breath of life and creativity. She instigated so many wonderful conversations about juicy topics such as artists and self-portraiture and living in a small town. And I just liked this photo and wanted to share it.

The peach blossoms are glorious today; if we don't have a late freeze we'll have a bumper crop of juicy, fragrant peaches - I can almost taste them now.
Well, I'm off to the races as far as my schedule goes. I may slow down a bit on the blog posts to get it all in but I'll be here as often as time allows. Next task; catch up on e-mails.