Three days in a row of sunshine; what have we done to deserve such riches! I practically have spring fever I'm so happy and energized. To celebrate I followed the baby goats around shooting pictures but the sun was so bright (frenzied squeaking noises) that getting good shots was difficult.

I call this one "are you my mommy?" Poor nubbins has no ears to speak of. I think my neighbor is doing genetic experimentation.

Whereas this little guy is all ears. The babies spend the day running from one end of the pasture to the other as fast as they can. Glorious youth.

And the mail brought many riches yesterday. First of all was my copy of
Ricë Freeman-Zachary's zine and WOWSA, I laid in bed last night reading it going "yup, yup, that's right, amen sister" to every page. She talks about how to get a lot done as an artist and I found myself agreeing with all her suggestions. I do every one of the things she suggests to get the most out of every day (decades of learning on my part) and her suggestions are gold. Thank you Ricë, for spelling this out for artists. She'll have us all doing more and feeling happier for it (and the world needs happy people).

And whoop! What's this in the middle of the book? Why, it's an interview with yours truly and pictures of my studio and a secret sewing project and, and . . . You'll have to get a copy for the rest. Only $10 from the
zine-maker and in my opinion money well spent.

Next came a poste from the land down under, Ms.
Ro Bruhn. Goody, lots of strange labels on the parcel for my collage stash (what's a Douane? Cool!) Inside was a treasure of handmade papers.

I felt like a mermaid who'd discovered a treasure chest in the sparkling deep. Bright colors and exotic designs winking up at me along with bright metal, jewels and filmy cloth hiding twinkling bijoux. I peeled open the wrappers one by one to finally reveal the earrings at the heart of the parcel. John looked over my shoulder and remarked, "she sure knows how to wrap a package!"

I hope something came your way today to make you happy. Don't forget to enjoy the full moon if your skies are clear; it's been breath-taking in our neighborhood. Playing hide and seek with inky clouds lined with silver just like in the storybooks.