For several days I've been considering what to put in the little 4x4" modified accordion style book that I showed how to make
here. Finally I realized that I wanted to fill it with little paintings of faces; lovingly rendered and realistically drawn. Here is my progress so far.

First of all the cover. I decided to start by painting the first face on the cover. I am going to get out my yearbook when I run out of inspiration. Some of these faces are from models; some free drawn from my imagination.

This is from my imagination and how I usually draw. Directly on the paper and blended. Boring to me because it looks so typical of my work. I like to surprise myself, not do things that I always do.

I like this one better. It was drawn from a photograph but looks nothing like the child. I love my black outlines. I am a coloring book girl.

Copied from a magazine but not painted over it. I like her mean, threatening look. Which usually covers up for a thin skin.

This is my favorite I think of the ones I've done so far. She looks cold and self-contained. It's a winter look.

I glued down tissue on some of these for added texture under the paint. I always like to start with something. But it takes time for the glue to dry, etc. so I don't always.

I pretty much draw the image with my brush and black paint and then adjust the color. Back and forth, color and outline.

I love head gear, hats, costumey things that crown the skull. They look regal and mysterious.

You would think these were done quickly but that isn't the case. I dibble and dabble.

The last step is a thick coat of gloss gel that I smear on with a finger to avoid brush strokes.

I was watching Project Runway reruns all day and think I channeled Koji (a model) in the one above. Without the bangs of course. The writing across two pages reads, "watching Project Runway".

Painted over a ticket to the Alhambra in Spain which I found in a folder by my drawing table.

Ack. Another face from my imagination.

Painted over a gold gesso base.

Last one, painted over printed tissue paper.

I have a friend in Arizona whose Birthday is tomorrow. She has never been to Voodoo Donuts but was always curious so today she'll be receiving this in the mail.

The zombie has a pretzel stake through its heart, the maple bar has crispy bacon on top, there is a fruit loops donut and that green and white one is a total mystery but so glitchy and weird that I had to include it. Don't forget to smell the donuts! xo