
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

North Carolina and Home

Here is our lovely group of friends (minus one; hi Mailyn!) on the screened in porch at Kim Beller's house in Wilmington, North Carolina. 

I have a serious case of love for North Carolina and for my precious hostess, Kim. The people are really special; really outgoing and friendly. You notice it right away. Such open, welcoming faces. And the country is really, really beautiful. There aren't enough superlatives.

This was my first trip to the south so forgive me for a little bit of gush. My adoration inclues the porches, the rocking chairs, the hush-puppies, the people and the beaches. Also the balmy sunshine and the beach full of exotic shells.

I'll try not to talk too much. Just look at the pictures and know how joyful my heart feels right this minute.

Warm. Gentle. Enfolding.

Then there is the natural wonders of marshes, sea birds and fish.
Pelicans, ibis, heron, sandpipers, so many kinds of wildlife to admire.

The mermaid comes home.

And connects with her sister mermaids, collecting shells and sea fever.

We worked in our journals. 













ha ha. Guess who.

Arrived home last night. Shot photos this morning. Where's Waldo?



Squash Blossom.

Pepper: Jimmy Nardello?

Onions drying on the rabbit fence.

Onion blossoms.

Fairy roses still in bloom.

Cantaloupe from the garden.

 Naked lady crocuses.



Nicotiana. So very fragrant on a warm evening.

Fall aster.

Northern Spy apples.


Petite French Plums.


Cold Wax; 24x30". It's the railroad cut where we used to pick blackberries. Buzzing with insects, sweet berries and summer sun. It may or may not be finished. 

How can it keep getting better, this life? Deeper and deeper into the mystery. Let's all hold hands for company and discover things together. 


Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The State of the Studio

Here's part of the tomato haul John and I canned today. There are still two canners full; we process them outside on the deck over a propane outdoor stove so the house doesn't heat up. We got a bumper crop this year; very grateful for that and the good weather this summer.

This is my favorite new tomato this summer. I grew it in a pot outside my studio door and it's called "Sweet Olive". It's a hybrid; really a remarkable flavor.

They do look exactly like firm olives and are sweet as the name indicates. Nothing like those watery salad minis that squirt you in the eye.

The studio, despite my deep decluttering of the past week is still a riotous mess. Well, a lot's getting done so that's what happens.

Love my new supply carts. I do feel organized now.

The non-representational work continues to pour out of me along with the preparations for the mixed media class in North Carolina in two weeks. The papers below are ones I painted for the packets. I always like to include handmade paper when I can.

These were painted on kraft paper. Love the khaki colors. (Inspired by the fabulous Pam Garrison.)

Gulping down every warm, drowsy, golden moment of late summer. Eating plums, grapes, watermelon and being lazy as much as I can. Oh life, you are such a business. Mood swings, beauty, yearning and time. How grateful I am to have experienced so much, both difficult and wonderful. 

I wish you every pleasure, every connection to your own heart. xo

Monday, September 03, 2012

Night Swim

Night Swim, Cold wax on panel, 24x30x2"
Deep in my blue lagoon ...