Yeah, she's floating alright. With a to-do list as long as your arm once again I've been seduced by the book muse into making a new journal. This time, from out of the blue, the small but mighty
Emma put a coptic bug in my ear and off I go doing what I swore I'd never do again and that is make another coptic journal.

For this one I had 8 x 10" luan (mahogany door skin material) panels left over from the stack John cut me to take to Arizona. So I tore various papers into 15 1/2 x 10" sheets and folded those for the signatures (I always use a variety of sized, unsized and hoshi sheets just to keep things interesting) and proceeded to file the boards and then sand the edges.

Since the wood splinters easily I pre-coated both sides with matte acrylic medium.

This is the front cover in process. I decided to use the innertube metaphor on the cover. And since I'm a pisces and spent the first 12 years of my life in a swimming pool (typical exaggeration) I like to identify myself as a swimmer.

Mom would dump me and my sister off in the morning at the local over chlorinated swimming pool where we would spend the day until our dad picked us up on his way home from work, starved, sunburned and blissed out. We'd be so tired that we'd fall into bed too exhausted to give our folks any trouble. It was heaven. My first kiss was underwater with a 16 year old boy named Bobby Gifford. Now that was mermaid bliss! (my parents had no idea.)

Where was I? Oh yeah. The journal. Here is my funky stitching with one big mistake I may or may not correct. All in all a successful if imperfect effort.

And then over to Stephanie's for Susie's Birthday Sushi Party. (say that real fast 3 times) Here is Nathan who loves to ham it up for his Grandma (not). He is still uncommitted about traveling to Mexico with the old folks for Day of the Dead this fall. Say "yes" Nathan! Say yes! (He's probably afraid I'll aim the camera at him again and post him on my blog. One must indulge the grandma.)

Back by popular demand - more photos of Liesl and Jeremy's wedding. Irene emailed this morning to say the photographers have put up additional photos. Can you say popsicles? Intrigued? I was. They even had a kissing and polaroid picture taking booth at the wedding. Read all about it

Isn't this a beautiful shot with which to end the post? The newlyweds have had blessings from their parents whispered into their ears and all the prayers and hope that friends could wish on their union; love, hope, faith and nature will take care of the rest. Go forth and shine.
(Once again, the wedding photos courtesy of
La Vie Photography.)
Lovin' your artwork. And those wedding photos are fantastic. :)
My oh my... I can't decide which is cooler, the journal or the wedding photos. What do you mean by 'coptic' journal?
What a set of full, sensual experiences you have related over the past few days! You, moving from water-baby to womanhood with an underwater kiss -- wow! I love the joy you've shared at the union of your lovely young friends. And then when I went back to see the post about your friend Irene's first painting I was amazed by the emotion and beauty of that first work. I always enjoy your descriptions of food too -- what a great love language, to nourish one another.
Thanks so much for posting about our photography, we love your blog and your work!! :)
Hi Ruth. A coptic journal is made with an open binding of looped stitches that invariably for me ends in blood and tears. I love the way it looks but I get mixed up on it a lot.
Happy I discovered your blog, Judy. There's so much inspiration here! Your inner tube is a wonderful symbol.
I too spent lots of days, hours, weeks in the municipal pool as a kid. That's where a lot of my formative experiences happened as well. Funny.
By the way, I'm going to feature Jesse Reno's video in my blog, so thanks for that. I had run across him somewhere before. What pure energy!
We must be twins with book binding, lol. I invariably invent some new stitches. It's hard for me to follow a pattern for some reason.
And this bride & groom must be the most beautiful people ever.
My head is spinning with everything you are up to.
The journal.....wow. Is that a bathing cap? A kiss underwater.....mmmmmm.
back to the beach....
I know what you mean about copic,,, I just don't have the patience to make one, but I so admire people who do. Love your cover.
I spent a lot of time, 9 hours everyday in our pool in the summer with the neighborhood kids when I grew up. I remember that feeling of falling into bed exhuasted. and,,,,,, skinny,,,,,oh those were the days!
Fabulous journal Judy can't wait 'til we get to see the contents. You could qualify as a mermaid with all those hours in the pool. Did you develop webbed feet?
love love love your pictures... especially grandson... mine is only four but he gives me that same 'don't you do it, grandma' look. The wedding photos are fairy tale quality and as always your art work says, 'what the heck are you doing at this computer???' to me. Thanks!
Beautiful photos from start to fantastic finish today. The beautiful couple look so happy and in love :)
I wasn't sure what a coptic journal is either..glad you clarified. It's gorgeous and looks like it was such fun to put together!
Beautiful work, as always!
I finally snagged a copy of skirt(!) from our local independent coffee shop. I am so happy that your artwork appears more than once. Now I've got an extra lil' something special to tuck in with a letter I am sending my friend.
Mazol Tov to the happy couple and their families.
Lovely photos...
Cool book cover above too...liked seeing all the process you/it went through to be it's beautiful finished state at top.
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