Yesterday I took my camera with me on my daily walk to the mailbox. I live halfway down a dead end lane at the edge of a small town and this is the brilliant green pasture across the street from my house. Spring has finally come to our neighborhood this week after months of drenching rain and we are very happy.

Here are twin baby goats, so young they still think they’re in their mama. She stood up and eyed me warily as I made cooing noises to get close enough for this shot. Maybe she remembers me from last fall as the lady that brought the grapevines for her and her siblings to eat. After that the entire herd would come running to the fence whenever I stepped outside my studio door.They became my new best friends.

These guys were playing a private game of keep away on the picnic table. They play together like clumsy puppies with joy and vigor apparent in every movement. Ah, youth!
Their mother uses the table too when she wants to get away from them. She climbs up on top and dominates the area while they try to scramble up to get at the food supply. She rolls her eyes piteously and looks as harried as all new mothers look.

I took a few shots of the mamas too with their beautiful faces and delicate little beards. They love to be petted and scratched, especially the little spot right between their horns. They take on the look of the ecstatic buddha and each of us has a moment together that is out of time.

After I’d picked up the mail I shot pictures of my neighbor’s cherry trees in full bloom and of my Peony that John planted for me several Mother’s Days ago. For many years after I moved to Oregon from Arizona Peonies were my favorite flower. I still love them but have switched my allegiance to roses because they bloom all through the summer and fall and fill the air with fragrance. This peony was supposed to be a deep blackish magenta which I love but instead starts out like this and fades to pale amethyst. But then, why wish for the stars when you have the moon?

Absolutely beautiful pictures for Earth Day. How much fun it must be to watch these wonderful animals. Thank you for sharing. The peony is lovely - ours still have awhile before blooming. Peace
read your stuff about Susan and Akua Kolor...your site is great! Hope to get together one day...hahahah, we never seem to be able to pull it off.
I have been using the Akua Kolor for several years...it is great.
Ohhhhhhhhh, reading your blog and looking at the divine photos makes me long even more for gentler climes...I am sooooooooooooooo over Arizona. This Connecticut gal is tired of this place. Green.....flowers......quiet lanes and trees....
longing heart ~ Rella
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