Hmmmm. I was going to give you a big juicy blog entry before running off for the weekend but as it is I'm scrambling. But I wouldn't want to leave without saying good-bye for a few days. The peekie-peek above is from a class sample I made for the class I'll be teaching at Valley Ridge next year. I'm very excited to visit and teach there.

So after a week or more of all out effort the van is loaded and I'm ready to depart for Art & Soul. Lucky me - a retreat right here in my own town. I'll be staying at the Embassy though as I wouldn't want to miss out on the socializing. I love to cruise the lounge and meet new people and hear about everything that's going on. At Squam someone told me, "I like it that you hang around so much and make yourself available". My answer to that was, "are you kidding? And miss the parties?"
Hee hee. I don't want to miss any parties.
Judy, SERIOUSLY, how did you get so cool?! :) Have fun at A&S and party on!
Hi Judy: Lucky, lucky you and your students and fellow artists : ) have a fab time at A&S. I just received notice that you will be teaching in Parks, UT next June - how wonderful is that!!!! it's not tooooo far from AZ : ) Can't wait to see all you class & fun pic's from your weekend : )
Love & Blessings, Sandra in AZ : )
oh! the peekie-peek piece is stunning! :)
Judy,when you get back you can see how your journal entry with the "photos" of you in different wigs tricked me. Check my blog when you get the chance. I hope you have fun at Art and Soul. I will be going to a different conference on words. - jeanne
Ive got to save my pennies so I can go to Art and Soul in Portland one day...I have a kid who lives there now! :-) Have fun, know you will.
judy, you ARE the party. can't wait until our paths meet again...
have fun at a and s.
have a blast missjudyblue.
i am head over teacup bonkers for this green haired red dotted picture of you! oh it is Glorious!!
Have a fabu time, Judy. That self-portrait is THE coolest. Can you teach me that? LOL...!
Bring back stories.
Have a safe wonderful adventure- I'll see you in June!!
Ok, Cool One - I want to know how you made that delicious op-art image of yourself!
Valley Ridge!?!? Now I have ANOTHER reason to figure out how to get there!
Have a great time Judy as I know you will. Say Hi to our Judy for me please.
Girl...you ARE the party!! Seriously...those striped knee highs?!?!?! Rockin'!!! SO good to bask in your radiance for a few moments. It'll keep me warm until January at LEAST!! :)
Hey, about the dottie portrait. I honestly can't remember how I did it. I just fool around and do so many things until I get something but there's too many steps to remember. xo
I love that stencil (is it a stencil?!) image of you! It's so sassy!! And I had tons of fun partying with you at the embassy!
dear Judy - I adore you - and your spirit and soul and stamina and energy - you inspire me beyond BEYOND! - yes Yes YES!!!
xox - eb.
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