No, this isn't a self-portrait but rather a subject I've wanted to interpret for a long time. A friend brought back a post card to me from a show he saw in South America somewhere (sorry, it was a long time ago) by an artist named Linnit DuFlor. She had the martyr sawing off her handcuffs with a hacksaw while the flames dances and she painted it in watercolor which I loved. I'm pretty sure the inspiration for the painting was first done in oils.

During my last trip to Santa Fe I saw another interpretation done in collage with real chili peppers representing the flames. It was at the Museum there, in a drawer. I wish I had a picture to show you. If anyone knows the story behind the original painting I would love to hear it. Is it Joan of Arc and what's with the handcuffs?
Anyway, my version was painted in my journal on a page covered with a thick layer of white acrylic which made the watercolor sit on the surface of the paint and want to bead up. I perversely love to use materials in a way they were not meant to be used.

All beside the point of this post of course which is to announce that two sites have gone live offering classes where I'll be teaching this summer and fall. The first one is
Idyllwild in California, a wonderful school that offers summer classes. I'll be teaching a Journaling class on the 8th of July and then on the 9th and 10th I'll be teaching a 2 day class on Waxy Layers. Having 2 days for this class instead of one will allow us to really go in depth with the wax and do some wonderful work.

Then in September I'll be returning to
Squam for my 3rd fabulous year there. On Friday the 17th we'll spend the day making journals together like the ones I work in. This is a class that I am always asked to teach so this is it. Then on Saturday morning we'll be making Wabi Sabi paper; an approach that is half printmaking and wonderful fun turning out pages with nature themes as well as gossamer iridescent sheets that can be used in so many other book arts, painting and collage. It will be an intense morning of discovery.

I hope some of you can come and dream the dream with me. Now go make something!
hola mi amor!
our picture is from mexico. Anima Sola, lost soul. with the name you can google for the complete story. in a nutshell...one version is
she is a soul who did not quite make it to heaven. she is stranded and handcuffed in purgatory. long ago there were carvings made, and holy pictures of Anima. she resides on altars still. the thought is that b doing good she can redeem herself and go to heaven. so she protects the home where she resides against danger and theft. she also serves to remind us to do good in our lives and avoid her sorry circumstances.
i love this image and she resides on my blog in lieu of a bio photo.
sending you love,
Dear Judy,
I love Idyllwild and think it is the perfect California place for you to teach. And I would be there, but for the fact that I live on an island in Maine from May through October and I will be doing a book tour to boot. But since you're coming down this way maybe it will happen again. I so want your journaling class.
I used to journal faithfully, but my publisher took my last one and took it apart for one of my books. It hurt like having a tooth pulled WITHOUT pain killers.
I am thrilled to learn about Anima Sola and thank Rebecca for that.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Before I'm off to google "Anima Sola" I wanted to say this reminds me of a Sting song called "St. Agnes and the Burning Train." It's an instrumental, so you can hear whatever you want in the melody. One of my favorites to hum as I work.
your classes sound fabulous!
I wish I could dream the dream with you, but you're too far away
:( But I will close my eyes, picture me some lovelyness and create something today!
these pages are downright explosive! i love them!
Sensational journal pages. Powerful image!
I found you in the book Taking flight by Kelly Rae Roberts, how lucky for my artistic inspiration in the uk xx
thank you dear Rebecca for this information. What a great story.
Hey Judy -- thanks for driving traffic to my own "Anima Sola" blog! I've been enamored with this image for many years, and it's meaning to me is multi-layered, but yes, as someone mentioned, this is the soul in purgatory. Please note, the handcuffs and chains are *broken* -- a gentle reminder that we *choose* to punish ourselves. She can leave at any time!
Your depiction is beautiful!
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