I finished this Sculpey figure yesterday, working quietly in the studio, thinking of my friends and students in Las Vegas without me, reflecting on change and time's passage and carrying on. I had found a sketch that I did a couple of months ago in a pile of papers and glued it in my journal. (below). A sketch of a woman with her hand over her right eye.

This is the sketch. It took on new meaning for me as things are now, needless to say. As I looked at the sketch I became inspired to interpret the drawing in clay. To make a sculpture to memorialize the experience that's just passed.

Earlier in life I might have wanted to run from the memory and move on quickly but now I am much slower and more thoughtful. I no longer see life as a race to be won but rather as a performance of interaction and growth through experience. What happened to you? What did you take away from the experience? What have you learned?

So many of you have shared your own eye stories with me of loss, courage, hope and endurance. Every story has given me added strength and humble acceptance. Thank you all for taking the time to reach out to me. It feels like a tribe of people at their very best, helping a fallen member. I hope I can do the same for others, for I see how much it helps to feel surrounded by love and concern.
I am off restriction as of today but I won't be reading as many blogs as I used to. It's tax time and time to prepare for the upcoming paraganglioma surgery. I'm determined not to turn this into a medical blog but as artists all experiences are grist for our mills.
My my, isn't it all interesting. Grind away, my friends. xo
PS Just a reminder that I'll be teaching a three day Sculpey intensive at
Artful Journey Retreat in July. We will have lots of time to go deeply into sculptural issues as well as having the fun of playing together in clay. I'll bring my menagerie of sculptural dolls and share all my paint techniques there.
Love the hand covering the eye. Beautiful.
You will always see more, now that this has happened to you, than you ever did before x
Hi Judy,
Just caught up-I missed the post about your eye-not good! I love your sculpture-and the way you have used such a horrible experience to make more beautiful art! I hope your operation goes well. And your tax-whatever that involves! I am sure it is no fun!
So good to hear you are on the mend. Life throws these challenges to us along the way I'm sure to make us realize how precious life is. Love your sculpture, you will probably be asked many times down the track what does it signify.
Its beautiful,love how it represents a part of you.
sending you giant baskets of love from LA.
one hand covering eye woman is very moving. you are rich judy. you know how to take nothing and make something of it.
bear hugs and kisses
I used bloglines to read my blogs and they didn't update your last three posts until just now. Wow, lots going on! I wish you good luck with all of this.
The figure is absolutely stunning. I love it.
Judy, I am so, so glad that you're feeling better, seeing better. Vision is one of the things that I, at least, take for granted. Still, I miss my younger eyes, as reading glasses are never far from reach anymore. Your story made me stop and look around. I don't ever want to forget to do that.
Continue to heal.
glad you are better and pouring it all into your art is awesome!
Judy, a friend just adopted a Chinese baby, 8 months old, and they just found out she has serious eye problems. How we take sight for granted! It's made me grateful for all these years of good vision - losing it would be so hard. So I really do share your concerns and know it's been very scary -- but sounds like you'll be fine. Take good care of yourself - remember all that love and joy that comes out in your work!
you are brave and positive and thoughtful and in your pain you are also showing us the way to be. Thankyou...
this is jus great
restriction free - yay !
"I hold my hand over my eye" - beautiful scupture...that tear...made one come into my own eyes...
thoughtfully processing it all...that sounds good too.
sending more love for you to feel good by !
Healing vibes coming your way, Judy...I've been thinking about you and your procedure. xo
Yes, I'll bet you've heard many eyes stories. I have many floaters and flashes, sometimes, but those are less than they used to be. The opthalmologist (sp?) warned me if the flashes get worse to come back. We always have blessings to count. You are one of them. Friends are another.
Hi Judy
I have been blind in one eye almost since birth. I think it's easier than losing vision later in life. But is hasn't stopped mt from being a doctor and surgeon or interfered with my art.
Hang in there. Your sculpture and its reason for being are an inspiration
you are so right. taking time...to reflect, and receive growth from the events of our lives...
be they sweet, sublime or arrive in the dark cloth of loss, challenge..
there is wealth in all the layers of our life.
reassembling all the pieces inwardly and through our creative sojourns is mighty grist for the mill.
sending you peace. contentment. quiet repose.
Just catching up with your blog..oh, dear judy...how in"sight"ful of you to draw that sketch...part of you knew what was about to happen...when things like this happen, I feel that it is a gift..you will see things in different way now..perhaps even seeing things that you never took notice of before!
On another note..do you ever do classes from you home? I would love to take that sculpting class sometime..I think my cloth faeries would be fun to sculpt.
Heart Hugs,
As always awesome works of art. You always amaze and inspire.
And yes, I appreciate your humanness of sharing your human health experiences, as it somehow normalizes my own.
I have to go back and have my eye that had the laser surgery done on it examined and I plan to take a relaxing pill and a husband with me, as I become terrified when they have to probe my eye with metal objects. I know it doesn't hurt, but it is just terribly scary to me. Last time I could not let them continue the exam. I medicated myself for that surgery as I had to be AWAKE to hold my eye wide open. I hate all of this. So I felt so for you and yours.
Now I'm still being treated for a cyst on my back removal...OY. I know none of my "stuff" is major...but it all drives me to a very nervous place...luckily not to drink. If only... LOL
So wishing you well and wellness for the past and future health issues, procedures, etc. etc.
It is nice to have a hand to hold and share this way. Glad I am part of the tribe.
Happy to hear you are on the mend, that's very good news. Your latest creation is so fabulous. What an inspiration.
BTW, will you be teaching your Sculpey class at art and soul in Portland in Oct?
Happy to hear you are on the mend, that's very good news. Your latest creation is so fabulous. What an inspiration.
BTW, will you be teaching your Sculpey class at art and soul in Portland in Oct?
FABULOUS! Love, love, love the drawing & sculpture! Wonderful you are embracing the experience, gaining inSIGHT... Your sculpture depicts that message. Happy you're no longer restricted!
xoxoxo deb/debbie/debra
When I go through my journals I often find prophetic art or writing. I have learned to ponder it more as I go along. I find your work and your spirit inspiring. May your recovery be speedy!
Blessing Blessings...blessings..
I just heard...I have been off blogs recently...ooxoxox
Love your little sculpture...
i am loving you all the way. tribe members are so important......we must hold each others hands along the way. xoxo
I can't wait for July - blessings in the meantime. I'm off to the doctor to get something to resolve my horrible ear infection that started late yesterday afternoon.
Judy dear,
It is lovely to read of your journey and acceptance and to see you leaping back onto the unicorn and riding for your life.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Gorgeous, the sculpture! And the sketch... sometimes it looks like we "foresee without foreseeing" isn't it... or just call it coincidence - whatever it was and is, your sculpture is marvelous! I wish I could work 3-dimensional, but I'm old enough to know this is not for me... yes, we gain wisdom over the years somehow!
Judy, this piece is absolutely incredible. I am so sorry that you have been having such a time of it, but so happy to read that you are recuperating and that you have the energy to express yourself in your artwork. Here's to fast healing!
Judy! I am so glad to hear you are up and about now. The sculpture is perfect and I can hear your voice expressing your wisdom about life's journey. Can't wait to see you again.
Love your work, your journal pages, all the way to the bottom of your blog, I see inspiring sights.
Sending healing thoughts your way.
How big is your sculpture?
Sending tons of healing vibes :)
wow, i have just read your story. i am wishing you all the best for a full recovery. your sculpture is amazing as is the drawing you found in your journal. this past dec. i was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly and with a huge question as to what was wrong with me. 2 months later i know i have colitis-it has zapped all my energy and wow, i sure have to slow down now. i am not "bouncing" back like i used to. i am finally starting to do art again-even that is having to be much smaller and less. please take care! you aren't the only one slowing down.
You never fail to inspire darlin'. The sculpture is simply perfection. I think we must let our art heal us, just as you are doing. I love how you are allowing this experience to bring such depth into your life.
glad to know you are on the road to recovery-must have been scary. love the piece you did~
I've been away from blogging the past month and I am sad to hear about your news.
Sending healing energy your way.
Wow Judy, that sculpture is powerful. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. Heal quick!
Glad things are returning to usual and great that the surgery was successful. Love Sculpey!
i haven't read any blogs in days and days. so when i decided to read just one right now yours was where i came. i'm SO happy to see you have been making things to work through it all as it comes. she is such a wonderful figure with her hand there. so meaningful. so many meanings to viewers to change everything. that gives the piece even more power and story. sending you much love.
this sculpture...it's as if i can hear her beating heart, through the sculpey, in rhythm with my own and the giant universal heartbeat. it moves me to tears, not of sadness but the deep fullness of a live being well lived.
i'm happy you'll be with friends who love you, reflect back to you the beauty and treasure that you embody. i miss you and will be singing you a song on your very special birthday just two days from today.
much love, i can't wait to see you!
hi Tara Ross. I can't find your email so I will answer you here. Yes, I am teaching this class in Portland at Art and Soul too. xo
Judy, you were deeply missed in Vegas, and I pray your recovery goes well!! I shared your tickets to LOVE with Katie and her friend. What a great night, thanks so much!! I am glad your tix did not go to waste. I will catch up with one of your journal classes another time. I loved the encaustic class I took with you at Asilomar last year, and look forward to many more. Best wishes, Carrie
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