Finished the page I started a few days ago. Whew! Got that out of my system. Today; office supplies. Eeee, new pens, one of those long staplers and slow gazing at all the folders, papers, writing tools. If I were a pirate (which I am in my dreams and I love to talk like a pirate) my treasure chest would be full of Office Max. Arrrrr.
i like your post, so wird and firy
I'll join you, we can sail the good ship Staples, sailing from Office Max to paper shops to binderies! Filling our treasure chests and taking glorious artists captive to sail with us.
And a bottle of rum, yo ho?
Enjoy your booty ! ;)
you crack me up, and I love your page...
I love the rebellious fight it nature of your page.
Do you know the Leonard Cohen song 'Joan of Arc'? How about this verse for inspiration?
"Then fire, make your body cold,
I’m going to give you mine to hold",
Saying this she climbed inside
To be his one, to be his only bride.
And deep into his fiery heart
He took the dust of joan of arc,
And high above the wedding guests
He hung the ashes of her wedding dress.
I found your picture very powerful.
Bloody awesome!
Made my morning to see that little angel I gave you last year at Valley Ridge. Great page. That is definitely where I "should" spend the day...with my journal. Thanks for the kick in the pants!
Your journal pages are always so awesome. I wondered if this woman coming out of the fire was you with your new life challenge...feeling chained by it, but hopeful. I can't read the words around her.
Mine would be an art store.. copics, oil pastels, colored pencils, watercolor paints... arrrr!! matey. haha
Great page!!! I do need to look at getting a long stapler! That'd be nice!
OHMY... It's stunning! And I would have loved to join you to the paper shop... I'm a pirate too when it comes to art supplies you know ;)
Haven't visited in a long time, Judy. Too little time, of course. I'm dropping in this morning to tell you how much I'm enjoying Creative Time & Space. I have to admit that since my job layoff, I've had to visit books in Borders and B&N, buying fewer than I used to. But this one is a buyer and a keeper. Alicia
Lol! I would love to travel along with you and kelly, and fill up my chest with pens, markers and paper! I can never have too much paper!
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