It's almost unbelievable I suppose that Squam could be as wonderful as you've heard. Well, believe it. I am full enough and inspired enough to last for a year. Chipmunks, crisp mornings, birdsong, the smell of wood smoke in the air. Leaves beginning to turn. I love New England and this place in particular.

This is my cabin; Birdsall. In the coming days I'll add new blog links for many new artists for you to visit. I barely made it out the door of the Dining Room on the last morning before I started blubbering. My heart was full to bursting.
Karen Cole had the best idea. A home for all of us where it is Squam forever. I vote for that.

This is a photo of my cabin from the dock. My bed was just inside those windows to the right. All night I slept to the rhythm of the creaking dock and the call of the loons. I didn't hear them last year but this year I heard them every night; haunting and other-worldly.
Elizabeth thought of the little touches that gladden the heart. Simple end of summer flowers in a canning jar.

This is my bedroom that I had to myself after the goddess
Leonie Wise moved to the next room. One of our mates couldn't make it so each of us had our own bedroom. (yes, two Wise women in the same house. Elizabeth has a sense of humor.)

Here is Leonie the Lionhearted out for her 6 am swim in the lake. It's about 40 degrees out there. I had 4 layers on in the bedroom and my alarm had just gone off when I looked out and saw her. I grabbed my iPhone and caught this for you. Brrrrr, what an athlete.

Here she is, a wonderful woman from New Zealand who lives and works in London now with Nick who is as splendid as she is. I got to meet him when he delivered wine to our cabin. Yay, Nick!!

Leonie took a class called "Sticks and Stones" where the participants made earth art. She chose to erect this barrier out of tree's limbs across one of the paths and then she masked the sides with foliage. My photo doesn't do it justice at all; I'm hoping
Andrew Borloz will have better ones on his site as he was out that morning shooting photos too. I think Leonie's project was brilliant - wish I could film the puzzled hikers who will come to the barrier and wonder "what the f#@k" ... this wasn't here yesterday. Yay, Leonie.

So here are a sampling of the encaustic projects that came out of a full class of creative women. Aleece Langford above.

Barbara Hoke.

Corrine Gilman

Gail Stoughton

Karen Cole.

Kim Mailhot.

Mary Lawrence.

Sharon Andrews.

Tracey Duncan. There are more photos being e-mailed to me that will follow later and if you students have shots of your own work that you could send to me I'll post them. Unfortuneately, I didn't get photos of everyone's work and some I did take were even worse than these. eek.
On the second day, with another full class, I was so caught up in the fun that I didn't get a single photo. My excellent class assistant
Ali Dejohn took photos of both classes for me though so I'll have some to share soon.

View out my window.

My screened in porch that extended off my bedroom.

I love this photo of
Liz Elayne Lamoreux. She made Leonie's apron and a number of scarves I saw at the retreat. She is hosting art retreats herself now and is interested in seeing that others have the opportunity to reach their full potential in life. She is warm and generous and really gives a soft hug. :-)

I can't believe this is the only photograph I came home with of the fabulous
Elizabeth Bunsen. On Saturday I got to take a class and after much thought (so many good teachers!) I chose EB. She is a wonderful, original voice and I loved her teaching style. I think this was her first time teaching at a retreat although she has taught children and adults for many years. Karen Cole is laughing about becoming her business manager and I hope to see her teaching at retreats all across the country. She is good, people. Ask your local retreats to request her. You'll be thrilled, as I was.

Check out Karen Cole and
Jonatha Brooke in this great photo. Karen laughs that she seldom takes a good photo but in this one she looks as pretty as she does in real life. And Jonatha Brooke. She is lovely. Voice like an angel. Funny too. What great muses and role models.

Full heart. Quiet heart. Healed and at rest. It is good.

Home again with splendid, radiant memories. New Hampshire. I'm falling in love with you. xo
It looks like another world over there. What fun you have? Can I ask how you guys get that lovely black shadow around the cut outs of your images?
oh *sigh* how i wish i could be a part of that wonderland called squam. perhaps one day! what beautiful people and unique art. a place that seems to help bring out the unique and beautiful and original and best in people it seems. for now Judy, i shal live vicariously through you - thanks for that magical journey through your time at squam - look forward to more updates!
Looks like you had a fabulous trip, Judy...loving the pictures that you shot to document, I can always count on a play-by-play from you that makes me feel like I was right there with you.....xoxox
oh judy i love all the photos! (and i love your words as i can hear your voice filling my head with your goodness.) puts me right back in this beautiful place and fills my heart.
i miss you beautiful one.
so glad we had a few chances to talk and all that good stuff.
Looks like September was JUST AS MAGICAL as June!!!
One day I will do this too. It looks like such fun.
I am still smiling. What a treat to spend time with you and the rest of my crew in such a place.
I think when I get time to post I will just send everyone over here, you describe it so perfectly.
Boy, I got around, no wonder I'm so tired.
I can feel it......you are going to be coming east again.
hugs and no goodbyes
Double whammy. Lovely art and lovely people, places and things to boot.
Thank you for your gracious spirit and for sharing. I hope all is well in JudyLand.
Take care, x
Candace in Athens.
and i'm in love with YOU - love your photos and your sassy spirit and your gorgeous face and warm heart
hope to see you again sometime (anything is possible)
big love to you from the other wise-ass in birdsall {grin}
hugging you still Judy!
SUCH BEautiful images
and words
I'm with Karen
I'll be sending folks over here
it does
take a few days
to touch ground again
after Squam
(and this was my 3rd time!!!)
in the afterglow
radiant nature
wonderful people
old friends and new
the joy of sharing
the bliss
of Squam...
xox - eb.
You truly made my Squam, Miss Judy ! You are so real, so funny, so inspiring, so talented and such a character ! Not only that, but you see those pink unicorns and sparkly things too, just like me. I am missing you but know we will play together again some day. And I will know you forever, right ?;)
Happy and safe landings, and big, glorious hugs !
how do you do it? how do you capture it allso beautifully, so throughly? and I am so sorry it was so cold . . my order was clearly for sultry indian summer-- damn mix-up on that, for sure *smile*
Bisous, Elizabeth
I had initially planned on going to Squam for the June workshops, but chickened out because of the series of plane rides, plus unknown ground transportation, it would have take to get here.
I have no doubt though that I would have loved it! Maybe next year!
I like Karen Cole's idea, I think I could live somewhere like that forever.
oh that looks like a slice of heaven! My early childhood was spent in Maine and Mass. and we used to go to my grandparents camp in NH on a lake and I have the fondest memories of that time. Those lucky, lucky students getting to spend time with you making art in such a magical place!
Looks like such fun. Thanks for the trip! The encaustics are great. You've brought out more artists than almost anyone I know. - Jeanne
Were this not such a beautiful post about a place I dream of going some day, it would be a torturous one. :)
I'm glad to hear it was as big as a glorious dream for you and all who were there! Glad you're home safe and sound and looking forward to plunking my tired rump squarely in the middle of your Eden! :)
Wow! I so wish I lived close enough to participate in that. I always oogle over the students work when you post the pictures. It looks like everyone had a blast!
gosh it looks so fabulous...so warm and the ladies so earthly lovely...i'm going to start saving my pennies now to attend that one...the loons...i'd love to hear those in person...
It was such a delight to be in your classes...and hear your stories,,,and to marinate in all that Squam offers-the natural beauty, the food, the funny, funky souls. It was good. Thanks!
it feels like you're a beautiful bright kite, flying through the blue sky, the glimpses of a beautiful place rooted in nature, open hearts, deepening experiences with friends new and old. the joy and lovliness overflow the words, and those photos, some haunting some strong (toy camera setting?)....well, all i can say is you've succeeded in taking us in as close as possible, those of us who weren't there. and i've started tucking my pennies in yet another sock so i can experience this for myself, next year i do hope.
feeling warm in your golden light judy,
judy, judy, judy. my cup overflows with joy and love. i had my "i can die now moments”; between Jonatha singing "Touch Me" live by the fire and YOU, YOU, YOU. two whole days spent in your classroom. learning from you is one of the most satisfying, exciting, joyful experiences of my life. you remind us to be childlike in our approach, to get messy and to try anything! and you are by far the sassiest, most patient and hilarious teacher I’ve ever had. my hope for the world is that everyone could have a teacher like you--pure bliss and peace would abound! Thank you. SMOOCH!
What a great time you had there! You have a GORGEOUS blog, Judy, soo interesting, beautiful and inspiring!!! The idea with homemade inks is fantastic! Thanks for sharing,
Hugs, Sanda xx
Miss ya', Birdsall sistah ~
I am just home this morning from my post-Squam New England whirlwind and will write when I decompress (and get much, much more coffee) ~
XO ~
Your favorite disillusioned idealist :-))
The "specialness" of this place really shines through in your post. And everybody seems to have had the best time.
Cool - I had a smile on my face the entire time that I was reading this.
Good for you Judy - sounds like you had a great time. It's difficult to be away from your family, your loved ones- but it sure does make it easier when everyone else is so dang great, huh?
Dear Judy,
It was a pleasure to meet you and spend some quality and laughing time together. Maybe one day I can join Karen and take one of your classes. Always fully open to new experiences and to trying new mediums.
I look forward to our next late night talks at an equally inspiring setting.
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