All week long Olga's been insufferable; bragging to the other dolls that she's getting a horse. Well, today her dream came true; Skylar arrived with a feather in his hat so to speak - meet the newest members of the doll menagerie.

Olga was born at the Bandon House where she promptly pushed one of the other dolls off the cupboard not once but several times. She is very firm about ruling the roost and Katie's doll had a beautiful necklace that made her jealous so it's easy to understand what went on once the lights went out.

The horse is held together by wires covered with plastic straws around the base that I painted black. That and bubble gum.

Skylar is what you'd call a one trick pony (how I love that song, concept and image) - he's ready to do his trick and only wonders when to start.

Olga loves having her picture taken. She twirled and preened for the camera.

I want to make a nurse, an Orvieto-bound doll, other circus performers. I want to but it's time to get back to work.

If this doll jones lasts much longer I'm going to have to get more supplies than wire and straws. Anyway, Olga says hello and ha ha I have a horse and you don't. Well, except some people I know. Some people have a new horse but not everybody. ;-)
Stay well.
Judy, the horse and the Renaissance doctor (that beaked mask!!) you showed in your previous post are my favorite dolls so far. Just wonderful! And the idea of turning them into pull toys is just perfect. Hats (made of Sculpey) off!
Hi Judy,
Your dolls are amazing. My favorite part is the personality you give each one! I love to keep up with your adventures.
Skylar! He certainly took on a perfect personality. Going from an aluminum foil dog bone to a one trick pony --- what an inspiration you are dear Judy.
Well, this Olga is one brazen cookie, lusting after Katie's doll's necklace! I love your dolls and the pony and the beaked being. What great fun you have and your imagination is inspiring. An Orvieto nurse? Well, wish I was going to Italy, but probably not this time. jeanne p.s. thanks for your comments on the Disintegration Project.
Love the doll and the horse is fantastic!! These dolls are fabulous!
How I love and admire your art Judy!
These dolls, well I've said it before but the horse and Olga are terrific additions. Yes, I do see you making an entire circus with rings and a ring master and clowns and, and, and...
Way to go, Gal! You are one hot artiste.
Olga got her horse!!! Oh, how i can't wait for the rest of the show to come to town. someone is getting a sandbox built for her and i will post pictures as soon as she is up to her ample patootie! thanks for the inspiration.xoxo
olga...congrats...i knew you'd get your way!
skyler is just wonderful! i love my girlie, too! she's a bit lonely though...i may need to create a bossom buddy!
Oh Skylar...I want a ride! Wondering how hard it would be to wish myself small and distract Olga long enough to do a full out rolling gallop. These two should be center ring show openers. Wonderful, wonderful fun they are. Olga's exposed heart has mine.
The doll and horse are awesome! And I love the story. Olga is so cheeky. You collection is gaining such variety. Love to see what is coming next. :)
Skylar is the one trick pony?!?! I think OLGA is the one trick pony...sneaky little imp!! And more than a feather in his cap, he's got....more like a bee in his bonnet!!
You work wonders with tinfoil, dear Judy. St. Judy of the Dolls.
amazing! I love what your hands and heart have been busy creating!!!
Judy, I am SOOOO enjoying the dolls, the stories, the inspirations. It has been such fun seeing your doll family grow, their zany personalities emerge. You are so amazing!
judy, these dolls are fabulous! i love them and always love seeing what you've done next. can't wait--
What do you mean by "work"? I would most certainly consider to keep the menagerie in line a full time work.
Between the hussies in Brazilian bikinis and the pushy little circus performer must be a miracle to keep the studio in order. And quiet.
Love Skylar, and his one "trick plume" and they are perfect in every sense of the word...and the eye.
oh. my. goodness.
skylar is gorgeous! and i love that new pink in olga's hair!
i can hear your voice with every word in this post. (one trick pony. love that poet who wrote that song.)
How clever are you Judy!!! Too cute and I've always wanted a horse,but I live in the city,sigh. Nifty dollys Judy!
I am so loving your dolls. SO much!
These dolls are juts fabulous! I'm loving them!!
haha. Oh my gosh, Judy, it takes a whole village -- and that's almost what you have! I am so enjoying these dolls.
Oh and the horse, the horse. My kingdom for a horse.
Good job and good show!
Once again, you've outdone yourself Judy! So glad to see Olga got her Skylar. Judy, keep up with the
jones-ing Can't wait to see who will be born next!
These two are exquisite!! What a treat! I am off now to find out what an Orvieto-bound doll is exactly!! =)
i will always have a very special place in my heart for Olga (troubled child that she is) and would be happy to arrange a future playdate for her and Nisha. Nisha has requested that Skylar be invited to, and says that if Olga would share him and let Nisha take a ride, she would let Olga wear her necklace.
Your dolls are just wonderful, Judy. You certainly can't stop now.......a creative explosion in your 10 days.....and I didn't even see one wine glass in those photos. What gives?
Katie and Judy....
Maude wants to know if she can ride Skyler WITH Nisha's necklace.
Gorgeous. You never cease to amaze.
I love them! I know some children who behave a bit like Olga at times. What is Skylar's one trick? I also like the scary little birdy man from your previous post. I get really excited when I click on the link to here-just in case another member of the clan has appeared.
I caught the Doll Jones thanks to you and your evil mignons. I think that they should sell hand lotion right next to the Sculpey.
Your dolls are amazing. They tell their own story. Great!!!
So wonderful Judy! The horse....and your beautiful cool dolls. These dolls really get under your skin. I just sold my first doll Miss Marie Antoinette...she was such a Queen...wanting me to play the Paparazzi every time she saw anything pink...all those pictures.....i understand...maybe if you sell her quick you can calm all the other girls down...;>}
Those dolls are amazing--and you did a lovely job at photographing them too!
Love her/them.
Exceptional yet again.
this is the most wonderful group!! love the horse!!! you do great work.
thank you for your comment too!
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