I'm just feeling happy today. Feeling surrounded by the kindness of people I cannot see. This is why I love blogging. Even though I live outside a city and don't get to see people other than John for days at a time I still feel connected. I read my blogs (over 100 on my bloglines; so many hearts to touch each morning), and I feel included. I want you to have this feeling too and I hope you do. Life is such a gift. xo
I feel the same way. we are such a great strong community.
And, my heart goes out to those who lost their homes near Santa Barbara.
Judy I so agree, here in Queensland Australia I read your Blog and love it. Here it is very warm even at 6.30 am and I am enjoying your Blog Post. I loved your Mexican photos too and I really appreciate your Art.
It is just such a good happy day for me too! though I know I'm having some people over tonight...hopefully you will be one of them?!
But it is a happy day...so happy I bought bright orange daisies just because!
Hi Judy: happy day to you too!! it is 67 degrees up in the mtns. of AZ and a wonderful, sunny, warm day. I don't inter-act with too many people either so it is nice to open my blog world to your happy journal pages & wonderful art. sure miss you/it when you are out of town but you soo deserve the wonderful trips and relax time you get cause you realllly work hard at your art and teaching/touching soo many in the art world. thank you for you : )
Blessings, Sandra in AZ
thank you for posting this today, judy. i've been thinking the same thing recently. i stopped drawing nearly twenty years ago to pursue another career, and started blogging about six months ago to get back in the daily habit of making art again. i had no idea such a supportive and encouraging network of artists were out there. that daily connection with other creatives has inspired me to keep going with my art more than i ever thought i would. it seems odd that artists can trade so much energy in a space that we can't see or touch, but how wonderful that it is there for us to share with each other.
xoxo aimee
I follow your blog, ever since I knew I'd be taking the artful journal class from you in Cedarburg, and I see a kindred spirit. I live alone and away from family, and although I see people at work every day, they're not the kind who "get" me (and I'm sure you know what I mean.) You inspire me with your art and your words and I just want to thank you.
Oh Judy, if you only knew... I was just thinking this same thing this morning. Did you know I am in this community now because of, directly, you? It's true.
I am grateful to you and to so so many others (you know who you are!). Truly, we never know whose lives we touch, shake up, heal, help...
Big hug across the way, and to all, Happy Thanks Giving.
i feel the outreach of love from this community as well. i feel blessed!
I spent today completely alone and laughed more than I can remember laughing out loud in a long time.
I had fun. I did go out a bit and made a little contact joking with the woman who repaired my hearing aide, then helped a couple at the store when they saw I was buying pomegranites asked how I opened and ate them; then home again just me and my sewing machine, and blog land of course. I will never be lonely again ever since discovering blogs. I get so much inspiration for my creations looking at other artists works. It is a plethora of ideas, I become excited and can't wait to dive into my stuff/stash/embellishments and create. And of course I love the feedback and encouragement I receive as well. It all made for a perfectly wonderful day.
i am an avid fan and in no way an artist, but the times I get an unexpected comment on my own blog by so talented artists that i would have NEVER had contat with in any other way is such a gift...
What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It's such a surprise. (under the tuscan sun)
life is good and blogland is an amazing place - who would have guessed?
I'm so very grateful for the kind souls that I've encountered along the way as well. There's something or someone ready to uplift me just when I need it the most.
I always enjoy stopping by your blog, you're such a talented and warm person.
And you are a Gift! Blessed Thanksgiving Judy!!
thank you for these words...i too feel so blessed to have these connections within my quiet life.
happy monday to you dear girl...
Hi Judy!
I can totally relate to you. I see only my husband for days too and I would go crazy without internet!
thanks a lot for sharing your art and life with us! You're an inspiration!
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