I learned the hard way that if your wax gets too hot it turns a burnt color. And that you cannot rely on the rheostat to monitor the true temperature. So at the retreat I learned that my wax heros all use digital thermometers with alarms, clocks, bells and whistles to keep their wax at the just right temperature. So now I have that added to my set-up.

Right after I took this photo for you I forgot to move the gizmo out of the way and dripped wax all over it. *sigh* So be it. My studio is pretty much going to the dogs with a film of yak all over everything. When you see the film on your exhaust fan blades you know that you don't want that on your lungs.

This is the whole enchilada showing the fume makers and the exhaust fan. I fuse right there to the right of the griddle so everything goes right out the window. The open door is behind me bringing in the fresh air.

One thing I discovered just by trying is that the copies that my plain paper fax machine makes will work for surface transfer on the wax. I like some images embedded in the wax; for that I use inkjet prints printed on tissue paper, but for crisp surface images I like the carbon copies. So this saves me a trip to the local copy center when I want a transfer.

I'm not fond of these encaustics but include them anyway. They are 100% wax and pigment with gold transfer writing on the top one and carbon transfer lines on the bottom.

I'm taking a few days off to clean my house and put some order to the studio. I don't want to but they say there is more to life than making stuff. I don't believe it but I live with 'normal' people so I'll try to fit in but just temporarily.
I just got all caught up on your posts, and I loved reading them!
You seem to be doing just fine with your encaustics. When you've learned all the secret tricks and other stuff, I can't even imagine what treasures you'll turn out! I'm so glad you had a great Mother's Day. Your friends' home and vegetables (and young one) are awesome!!
Wow, looks like a wonderful set up. I don't even want to know what collects on those blades...I haven't done encaustic in a while, but that's something to think about for sure now. At least you didn't try melting wax in the microwave, like I did, pre-encaustic class. Learned later that I could have caught the whole house on fire! Oops!
Oh darling, to call Juan "normal" seems so unfair, LOL.
Back among the living, well sort of, I am catching up and I am so envious, the good envy of course, of both your talent and the beauty you create. Not to speak of witnessing the beauty your friends have created in their little acre. And Taos, oh my word! that child irradiates peace and contentment. Environment, they grow as we nurture them and he reflects that.
We are still in the middle of the mess but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully that is not a train coming. Looking forward to spend a lazy afternoon with you two soon,
Yes, be sure to "fit in" only temporarily! For all of our sakes!
Lately I've felt that I'm just making too much stuff... what to do with it all? Then I spent the entire day in a frenzy making about 20 more drawings and paintings... LOL!
What a beautiful family! ( from mother's day post)and that lettuce made my mouth water. I love seeing your set up. I know nothing about encaustic, and really enjoy seeing what and how you are doing all this.
thanks for sharing your work!
Getting the studio in order might lead to even more good energy!
the vase with the handles looks like a vase with "attitude" to me. Hands on hips attitude. Do you see it too, did you do that on purpose or is it just my eye?
I finished a big project and then set to "cleaning house".
Just started next project and house already looks a mess.
Yes, my vases all have attitude - that's on purpose. Some of them are sassier than others.
I just loved the feeling of scrolling through your posts. So much to create and to learn and to grow and to create. Not even have thought of trying wax I'm kind of feeling that familiar "hmmm"...that could be really fun to learn about.
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