Sometimes I think my 'art' is just posting to this blog. Scurry and write; that is my life right now. And we're all so busy. Does anyone read anyone else's blog these days? The sun is shining, the woods beckon, work abounds. But still the girl reporter shows up for work. Here is the latest.

Yesterday I went to a workshop at
Innerstandings with
Katie. I've been to many of her classes now and each time I "get it" on a deeper level. Her strength is connecting people to their creative selves; the right brain, the intuitive channel. She opened the workshop with exercises that urged us to let go of control and judgment and to enter the sphere of play. She's good at that.

Here we are making big messes as we enjoy the hours together. Livin' is easy in a workshop with Katie.

At lunch time we repaired to the kitchen for Diane's Curried Rice with all the accoutrements; I think it was my favorite meal that I've experienced there. Diane works very hard at making the day a respite for her attendees; she brought us hot scones, cheese and crackers and chocolate covered almonds at various times of the day in addition to hot beverages. She babies us. :-)

This is an example of what my journal pages looked like at an intermediate stage of the workshop. All this got covered up, mostly. But I liked it, if only for a moment.

Look what Katie's painting!! A lovely wood faun that made us all smile. She's got mysterious ideas that make us happy. Where do they come from?

After everyone left Diane did a demo for Katie and I showing us how well alcohol removes layers of dried acrylic paint. Wow, it's like looking down into a crusted hot lava bed. Can't wait to try it.

I swooned over this image of a beautiful woman. I find it perverse that our culture does not love women past a certain age. My God, but we are full of wisdom, power and beauty. Maybe the culture is afraid of us. What a regrettable mistake.

I made this page which I laughingly think is a cross between deKooning and sad Ophelia. Just messing about and this is what appeared.

And this page. The black pencil is Stabilo; I like to go over it with acrylic medium to deepen and smear the blackness. Not for dainty work.

The giving hands. The hands that can feed, share, create and help. Hands with great strength and the power to change the world.

A page about silly moods. Silly moods are good too. Happiness benefits everyone.

This last is my latest encaustic done with a variety of techniques. Aren't we just walking miracles here on the planet? I am in awe of every one of us. We are golden.
Judy Wise...I love that name. I love that you blog. I am a perpetual lurker, I rarely if ever leave a message. But I check you site every morning. If you haven't written, I check it again in the afternoon. It is one of my favorites. Your words and pictures, inspire, and encourage me. Thank you for sharing so well!
Hi Judy: I am totally with Carolyn (previous post), I love your blog and check it daily too : ) yes, yes, yes, there is "us" out there reading your blog entries daily, rain or shine, ha : ) Thank you for sharing the pictures of Katie's retreat & Diane's lunch, yummmmm : ) looks like you pacific west coast girls have all the fun : ) was that DJ in the first picture ?? I follow you, DJ and Katie daily : )
Love & Blessings, Sandra in AZ
Wow, Judy. What a feast! Great stuff.
fantastique journal's pages !! love all of these wich are shown.
Sorry for my bad english
Thank you, Girl Reporter! That made me laugh inside. I am always happy to see your name pop up on my Google Reader list. Your posts are like special little gifts of love from the artful universe. I always look forward to them and feel like I'm opening a present from a friend when I click on your blog.
I love your photos, too. What a delicious creative mess on the work table. Lots of good energy going on there.
What a fabulous time with Katie. I didn't realize her journals were so big, the pages look huge. Love everything you created as usual.
It's always nice to come here and see what you are up to in the art world Judy. I do not get to my blog mates blog daily as I once did but try 1-3 xs a week if at all possible, as I do want others to come to mine when they can as well. It's still fun to share and great to get inspiration from what others are creating.
I like those really large books you were all making in Katie's class. They would make great grandchildren's books!
I definitely still read and try to comment on blogs, perhaps not as much as I used to but it's still an enjoyable part of my day and life. I find using bloglines for my favorites has really made reading more efficient.
I really admire Katie's work, I've been following her journaling for sometime now. You all look to be having so much fun in your class!! There's so much to discover about ourselves, each other, and the world, all your pieces seem to be fitting so nicely in this puzzle of our world.
Thanks for sharing your class pics!
judy, you are just so full of wonderful creative inspiration! such a joy to see.
i love the way the alcohol worked on the layers of acrylic. i definitely need to try that!
Looked like fun. Love the journal pages,Katie is beyond words for sure. Can I add you to my bookmarks?
Judy, You are, indeed wise! I do adore Katie's relaxed intuitive teaching style. It's like a great vacation! It looks like you had a fabulous time. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Art Unraveled!
xo, Fran
Judy, i love your journal pages you've created here! How fabulous :). The white along the background gives everything such a great wash. The texture to them is fabulous. I especially like the very top one you posted.
It looks like you caught an awesome workshop. Lucky you!
I too am a lurker and fairly regular reader. I don't often comment because I don't know you, but I should comment. I would love it if people I didn't know commented on our Great Circle blog.
I am green with envy after reading about all your workshop adventures. With a full-time (punch time-clock) job, I rarely make it to workshops. I live vicariously through people like you. THANKS!!!
Twinnie Susan
thank you, girl reporter, for being on the spot with the latest and greatest news. and Yes. i still read the blogs. sometimes i get lonesome and i need to see what my friends are doing. so thank you miss honey pie for keeping me posted. it makes me happy to see your art adventures with the lovely katie by your side. xoxo-k
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and dear, sweet katie's workshop. I suspect you two are the wondertwins when creating in each other's presence. The class looks and sounds like it was a magical experience. I love the pages you created and the flow of line into color. You rock, j-dwag!
wow, judy, thank you... i love it all. what a visual feast.
yep, there are lots of us checking every day!!
Thnak-you, thank-you, thank-you for taking the time to be our "reporter"!~ I really enjoyed this post! Off to follow some of the links in here!
I lurk as well. Don't stop writing because I miss it when you don't write. I love the work as well. The woman of a certain age, is beautiful. Yes, they no longer value us, but they should. We are wise, full of wisdom and nobody has time to hear it. Oh well. Their loss. Have fun with your art. Love what both of you do. I'm still not free enough. I need to let go. Wish I lived by you guys. Peace
Yes, the culture is afraid of us. Lets change the culture!
I have a small crock pot full of beeswax sitting on my art table. Other than scoop out some wet wax and coat it on a collage, I have no idea what to do with it but I'd love to know more. Have you thought of showing your simple encaustic techniques via a You tube video clip? Seems like alot of artists are going that route with their blogs. Anyway you do it, don't stop. I think your work is really fun to look at.
It's hard to separate your art and your blog - both are wonderful and generous. When I need inspiration (aka, kick in the pants) this is where I come. You are doing great work. I'm with you on older women and their contributions. That is a great photo of the woman with the "mask" face behind her shoulder. Keep on blogging!
Judy, I come here because your blog makes me feel better, regardless of what sort of day it's been. No time for artwork in my life right now - just writing and some music - but your color and joy in creating is inspiring and happy-making. Thanks!
Of course we read each other's blogs. Of course we do! This was great esp the art, but also I so enjoy when you talk about things like the women in this culture, also the meals you have at these workshops. It really is a part of the total experience. I so love it. Katie is really something.
Big big hug, Candace
A. Yes, I read your blog -- I WAIT until I can really read with focus, react, feel it, feel the art. Yes. Oh yes.
B. The photo of the beautiful older woman, and your commentary -- exactly that. Amen. Yes she's stunning, incredible. These images fill my journal pages -- why don't we see THESE women in quote-unquote 'women's magazines' instead of 18 year old girl wanna-be-women selling us our self images? (this is a rant I should NOT get started on).
C. I have a stack of architectural plan sheets that is 4 inches thick and 3' x 2' ... i am DYING to turn this into a journal -- seeing these larger journal pages has got me seeking some kind of rolling cart in order to effect this wish!! I can't begin to pick this 'tablet' up!
D. I love when you show your journal pages. Interestingly, I never try to 'read' the entries, just absorb/inhale them as a whole -- a visual, always detailed and enchanting, with your cool small neat handwriting.
what beautiful words and beautiful pictures. You do a lot for helping change our thoughts and culture about women. It is one step at a time, but you help us all change the way we think of ourselves, and that translates to changing the world. Please keep encouraging us~ we are starting to get it.
once again I am wising I could come over and make art in your part of the world. I have a question for you, are you working in a canvas book? It looks like your pages are canvas, if it is, did you make it yourself?
I know what you mean about the blogging, it seems like I am always adding to the blog list and have less time to keep up with them all. But I know which ones are always going to have something good to see ;)
I like to read your blog and look at the art for inspiration and when I don't feel like working (I look at it often :) If there isn't a new post I enjoy looking at your archived posts. I appreciate your honesty and positive attitude. Often a sunny spot in a cloudy day.
Warm regards,
This is so interesting. I just returned from a class with Keith LoBue and I would recommend Precious Little to everyone even if you are not a found object artist. His ruminations every morning and in the final moments, the way he thinks about art and gets his students to explore their ideas. Sometimes I think it is so good to get away from our materials of choice and see how other methods change or influence work. I don't do journals or pages normally but your blog and Karen Cole's have turned me around.
Thanks, Judy!
Wow, love that photo of everyone standing and painting! Looks soooo wonderful to be immersed in that community of artists!
How can you possibly say you are doing nothing but blog!!!????
My goodness woman, it took me 15 minutes just to page down and look at all of the work you have been doing....and great work it is, too!!
I guess I should feel pretty good about the fact you stopped by. I do know what you are saying, though. I don't want to miss anything, anywhere either.
Judy, I love your work. I just sit and stare at the monitor and drool on my keyboard! Your work is mesmorizing! Thanks so much for blogging and sharing! What a great pleasure.
oh dear judy - you truly are amazing, doing the incredible and prolific body of work that you do and we get to see here, the classes you attend and tell us all about, the tip and techniques you share here to help and guide us, the time you to do all the reporting...it's all such a balancing act. there couldn't be a bigger groupie of your blog than me, i love reading/seeing whatever you have to offer. But i know it's also a huge amount of work, and i hope you only do it to the extent that it feels like a joyful and/or satifying thing for you personally. you are only one person (although i swear you have the energy of 3 people much of the time), it's okay to let go, get off the merry-go-round, and follow your bliss, wherever it leads (but you already know that :-)
having you attend my classes delights and honors me beyond any words...your energy is such a beautiful, powerful and creative force, and your curisity and enthusiasm are contagious. thank you for sharing yourself like you do... xoxo
oh you are a wise well of quiet warm beauty, my friend. we all do what we can, with what we have, when we can...and that is so ENOUGH.
oh the image of that gorgeous woman... heart be still!
all of you dear journaling women content and safe mixing it up in katie's class.
and your pages singing with LIFE.
3 images i take with me into the world this peaceful friday.
thank you.
WOW you had fun and I missed out again. Don't cha love Katie's stuff? Love your blog can I add it on my links? So much to see here,very yummy blog!
I'm a lurker also - clearly you are "showing up" for lots of us! AND RATS I just missed meeting you! I took the Innerstandings Saturday class COLLAGED FACES taught by Katie K. If I had known you would be part of the Sunday class, I would have shortened our Oregon coast camping trip!. THANKS AGAIN for all the sharing. another time maria l.
i will have to make it a priority to attend one of yours and Katies classes at Innerstandings! i hope you both do more soon! seems like a beautiful time and your creations are awe inspiring with playful creative energy shining thro each one.
and i would love to see any pics you took of Jesse Reno painting his mural!! i'm soul struck by his artwork and look forward to a workshop with him in June and Aug. how fantastic that you and katie got to see him at work! very Kool!
i, for one, am thrilled you are such a prolific blogging beast Judy! i'm always inspired to the gills when i visit here. many thanx for bestowing your blessings upon us.
with smiles,
Judy, please tell me, what kind of alcohol are you using on the acrylic paint to pull back the layers? I NEED to do this!
Also, I think our culture is right to be a little afraid of the strong and feisty women we're growing into. We can be so powerful and so often without even realising. I am aspiring to this as I grow.
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