
Friday, May 16, 2014

This and That

A quick catch up before I leave for Arizona on Sunday. Going to visit old friends there; a reunion of the "big house" gang; old hippies who spent a crucial couple of years listening to Led Zeppelin and doing other hippie things together back when we were all testing adulthood. It's going to be terrific.

Here's a little side project I took on. Cut off a long linen jumper and turned the bottom into a big pocket. This is for wearing either over a dress like an apron or with leggings. It hits me about tunic length.

Mom had an apron with a similar pocket when I was a kid. I love pockets.

Got some licks in on a separate sewing project as well and I'll tell you more about that in the next post.

Spent a day with my play-date friends. When people get together to draw, paint, share food and listen to music, they get a lot done and leave with a feeling of love and gratitude. Organize your little groups, people. We each bring a sandwich and something to share. We solve all the problems in the world while we work. It's awesome.

John brought in some pea shoots for our stir fry. Mushrooms, carrots, onions, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, hot peppers, sake and tamari sauce. Over quinoa. Trust me.

Here's the farmer surveying his planting holes for the tomatoes he's going to put in the ground today. The pea trellis is in the background. 

Here's the old old grapevine.



A mish mash of roses. Every one of them fragrant and happy.

Figs ripening.


Black beans on the left and kale on the right.

Siberian iris.

Buff Beauty.



We started this rose from one stem that we purloined from the roadside.


Golden Showers.

My studio door.

The awesome Siberian.

Blatherings. I'm afraid I'm getting wordier all the time.

But I love writing. Love pouring it all out.

Time to pack a bag with very summery clothes. It's been 100 degrees fahrenheit in Phoenix. I won't be seeing so much green on that desert.

I hope your May is gentle. xo


  1. Such beauty you and John have created. So easy on the eyes and I bet is smells like heaven! And it makes me really gleeful to think of you off with your old friends, laughing and hugging and being happy together again. Have a wonderful time, dearest Judy. I am (almost) counting the days until I get to see you again.

  2. Happy flowers and veggies. I love pictures of your garden. John is a perfect farmer. So neat and tidy with his rows. Inspirational journal pages too. Have fun in Phoenix.

  3. Welcome to the Valley of the Sun! Are you ready for 100+ degrees. Some of us like it HOT:)

  4. Your posts always give me such warm sense of well being. That right hand side of journal spread #2 is so great. You inspire me

  5. middle journal spread - right handpage = swoon
    plus all your journal spread are swoon too :)

  6. I always love a trip through JudyLand; makes my world brighter. xoxo

  7. Have a wonderful trip Judy! Now I wonder do you loan your husband out so he could come work his magic in my garden? :-)

  8. Oh, how I wish I could smell those roses, and the peonies! My two favorites. Safe travels my friend.

  9. Everything about this post is fabulous! Jealous of your appears that none of mine (all "hardy") didn't make it through this past Wisconsin winter :-(

  10. Your garden photos are as gorgeous as ever Judy. So glad you managed to get your little art group together, ours is still going strong, if we don't solve the problems of the world we do manage to solve some of our own. Have a wonderful trip.

  11. Such a joy to thumb through your journal pages and husbands farm/garden., he grows enough to feed the hungry in six counties I do believe! It's all so life is good beautiful. Happy for you. Have fun with the aging hippies.
    I'm waving from the sidelines of the same era you know! I wonder if I did more hippie things than you did. Well have to compare notes one day! :-)
    Loved your line about getting more comfortable seeing your aging parts . At least I think that's what you said. Mine are still surprising me. But we'll be friends eventually. What other choice is there? Have fun in Arizona!

  12. What an organization in your garden! Looks great and surely will taste great as well.
    Ps. I love pockets as well :)

  13. what a marvellous post...all the things I love; journals, sewing, THAT TUNIC, and lots of growing food. I'm just getting into permaculture of food - very interesting. Just been to France in fact to stay with a relative who lives that way.
    Also have started getting three or four frineds together for sessions of love in paint and stitch and food. It's the best thing ever.
    PLUS Robert Plant lives just down the road from me - I sometimes see him in the greengrocers! Ha!!!

  14. Judy! You get wordy as much as you want to! I love your jumper pocket.
    Hope you are groovier than ever in your desert adventure, hippy girl!
