
Saturday, May 03, 2014

The Friendship Garden

Full heart. Big life going on all around me. So many changes. It rattles my brain.

John is growing another big big garden. I'm so grateful he can continue to do this as it is the best medicine. For anyone. To see the seasons circle once again and to participate in that miracle.

Nothing gold can stay but while we have it we rejoice.

The kale is flowering and we've eaten several stir fries of the flowers this week, heavily scented with garlic, ginger, sake and tamari sauce. Winter's bounty.

The rhodies are insane. Each flower cluster is the size of a bridal bouquet.

We have a bed of shy lily of the valley. Oh, the scents of May.

I am guilty of collecting flowers that smell good. The violet irises above smell like grape kool aid. A gift from 2 decades ago; thank you Dorothy Sharp.

John planted these last winter. Thank you, John.

Bleeding Hearts from William Peters. Thank you, Guillarmo.

More rhodies.

This iris I chose myself and have shared it as well. The colors of the Arizona sunset.

A lilac grown from a volunteer in my daughter Stephanie's garden. Thank you, Stephanie.

Cecile Brunner from a friend at Tilth. Thank you, Katherine.

Mountain Bluett from Bev and John. More gratitude.

So much beauty in the world. It always consoles.

Of course there are always journal pages to share.

My daily ritual.

I always have something to say about things.

Sometimes with words, sometimes with paint.

I'm a gusher.

I had friends over to paint recently.

There's nothing better in my world than sharing a painting session.

We also visited Waterfront Park that day where I snapped this shot of giant bubbles being blown. Love.

Last I share a gift from a fellow explorer in paint from the Painting Faces Online class. Thank you, T.B.   What a stunning and lovely surprise.

Sometimes I feel guilty for all the troubles in the world. I keep waiting for my world to crash in too. I've certainly known trouble in the past. But now? Life is good. For this little while it is good. And I am very thankful.



  1. Beautiful, beautiful post. Beautiful you. Gratitude is good. Thank you for sharing. You inspire me. Hugs, kath

  2. Such a beautiful post. Your garden is flourishing. Makes me happy looking at the photo's! We are close to winter in Australia so it is lovely to see your Spring photo's..

  3. P.S I needed a gentle reminder to be grateful - thank you x

  4. As always, love your photos of your art, your garden and your life and your words. You are my inspiration. Truly, I mean that Judy.

  5. I attended a friends memorial today and heard the poem "nothing gold", I read it repeated in your post. My friend loved gardens, art and books. I hoped she could see the lovely colors of your garden through my eyes. Thank you for posting today and helping me celebrate my friends life.

  6. Such a feast for the eyes! Your garden is inspiring, and gorgeous. You must have quite a bit of land, judging by the photos. It looks like a personal paradise.

  7. Wonderful post Judy your garden is a treat so are your journal pages..

  8. truly a beautiful post...and those iris are stunning (having lived in az for 10 yrs, i can attest they are the colors of an arizona sunset - beautiful). what a beautiful gift/post of gratitude.

  9. I'm drooling over your garden again Judy. Ours is getting ready to hibernate for winter. You can gush all you like your journals are to die for.

  10. thank you for sending your garden to my house. here on the east coast things are just beginning! I can sit and smell your flowers in anticipation! wonderful pictures!and great husband playing your gardener!

  11. Judy, I adored the garden tour. I, too, have many plants that have their little stories of who shared them with me to become part of my own garden.

  12. How your gardens bloom with all that love and attention ! Spectacular ! I think we all have our challenges and hardships in life at different times. The gratitude for the good times is what makes life the sweetest.
    Glad that life is good for you, Dear Soul. Paint on, and keep bringing those gifts into the world !
    Love to you !

  13. What a wonderful tour of your gorgeous garden. We are a long way from having all our flowers in bloom out here in Ontario so it's nice to be reminded of them again after a long long winter.

  14. Love your blog. Very inspirational. Full of energy and

  15. No guilt, young lady. YOU have had your share of struggles. Those bubbles are stupendous! And gorgeous flowers.

  16. I love the door to your studio - so inviting!

  17. Melody12:40 AM

    No matter what you are doing, your blog really lifts my spirits. Encaustics, Visiting Mexico, your garden, background pages, journal pages--all bring me joy. I always feel like I've visited a friend and picked up a little tip or two. Thanks.
