
Thursday, November 14, 2013

San Miguel Group Two

Photo credit Paula Fava
After a few days' rest for Katie and me, the second group of creatives arrived in San Miguel. 

What follows will be a taste of this and a taste of that.

 More triptychs were created. More tours of San Miguel taken.

We visited Casa Las Ranas, which Cynthia Fawcett has captured so beautifully in this post.

From recycled wine bottles to catfood cans, this edifice and home is a source of pleasure and wonder.

We marvelled at the colorful chandelier.

The bathtub Virgin of Guadalupe.

The paving stones of mosaic tiles.

The wall studded with used cat food cans. Delightful.

Also delightful was our cooking class with Kirstin West, a knowledgable expert on indigenous foods and Mexican food history. She served us a wonderful meal that was prepared for the most part while we watched and gave us all recipes to bring home. 

Of course we had calacas in our midst!

Group explorations of the safe and beautiful streets.

Living art and endless time to create.

Again, plaster, wax, paint, repeat.

All in a tranquil courtyard where meals could be smelled being prepared for us and where we were steps away from our quiet rooms for naps or alone time.

On one of our tours we visited this chapel in the courtyard of the first church in old San Miguel which is out in the country now. I loved the boulders incorporated into the walls and door sills of this church. Surely a difficult job for the artisans who built it.

On the road to Tierra Blanca. Some of the beautiful country that surrounds San Miguel.

These are some of the pouches we fashioned to hold our creations. Each one a reflection of it's maker.

One day Kathy Vezzani (check out her link! Wonderful photos of the trip!) took Katie and I to the home of her friend where I shot these two tin retablos. 

The man who we visited is an avid foodie and I thought these retablos were perfect. Some day I want to paint my own.

This was the rooftop seating area of the same house. Exquisite.

And a typical street in the town of Tierra Blanca. I fell in love with this town, smallish and nestled right in the mountains. 

More creations by the pilgrims.

Mexico's bounty. Surrounding us everywhere.

And like all moments in time, we at last had to part and return to our separate lives. 

It was one week ago today (Thursday the 14th) that I bid Mexico good-bye once again and headed home. 

Last night John noticed the fog creeping toward the pasture on its way to engulf us here. It has been mild and foggy; no killing frost so far.

This is our poor persimmon tree, victim of her own success. 

Spectacular fall and a rising moon to welcome us home. 

Sending good wishes to all. Time to start planning Thanksgiving!


  1. What a lovely post, Judy, and thanks for the shout out! Of course I love your photos from our time in SMA but that photo of the fog creeping in past the trees is hauntingly beautiful! I miss you, dear one!

  2. I agree, Cynthia, love that shot of the creeping fog. Beautiful post and so glad that you took those pictures at Michael's. I was so busy yakking that I didn't take any pixs. Miss you both. Big hug being sent your way.

  3. Your photos are a beautiful reminder of how blessed I am to live full time in San Miguel. At times I need to see my town through the eyes of a tourist so I never begin to take it for granted.

  4. Judy!!!
    I'm so sorry it's been so long and I am just now seeing these fantastic pictures. I heard so much about it on IG and from Bonnie and I'm definitely making this one of my wishes this holiday.
    Two events in a row!! Thank goodness for Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey from Canada!

    --or whatever. just my first guess.

  5. Yes, I miss the three of you!!

    Oh, to paint some lovely retablos on metal. Copper perhaps? Fashion a frame surrounding it with some embossing tools…….not so traditional, but it would be fun……with you, of course.

  6. {{ dear judy,
    feeling much happiness
    seeing our artwork
    featured here--
    a reminder
    of differing talents
    polished gently--
    wondering how you do this
    heart*felt teaching
    & over
    & over
    with different
    & varied classes,
    for i know
    you do love it ...

    giving so much of yourself
    like that fruit tree
    hanging heavy
    still joyously proud ...


    i am hoping we uplift you
    & bring you the joy
    as young children
    bring their mother
    with their earnest learnings ...}}


  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    exquisitely lovely
    breathing in all the love
    and creative juiciness


  8. Welcome home, Judy! Thank you for sharing the beauty and joy of your trip. I can almost hear the music when I see these evocative photos.

  9. Gorgeous. I hope to visit there some day.
