
Saturday, November 09, 2013

Pilgrimage in Paint Week 1

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, with the first group of pilgrims (minus 2 shy ones). We spent 8 nights together eating, painting, plastering, waxing, sketching and enjoying the city. It was a dream realized.

We stayed only 1 1/2 blocks from the central jardin in lovely Casa Carmen where we shared breakfasts and lunches each day. 

Here are the pilgrims sitting in the hot sun sketching the parroquia (main church) in the jardin. 

The meals were exactly to my taste. Lots of salads, fruits, traditional Mexican food. Desserts at every meal!

There were rooftop meals at nearby restaurants. With margaritas!

Visits to churches and altars.

Time together to visit and appreciate each other. Precious time.

And 6 hours of art classes each of 5 days with Katie Kendrick and myself.

The parroquia lit up at night.

Happy pilgrims.

One night in the jardin with a magical full moon rising over the clock tower.

That story captured in paint on a bas relief plaster surface.

We made triptychs.

Painted on canvas.

Fashioned those paintings into a large pouch.

Made plaster and wax tiles.

Samples of work created during the week by the attendees. We made triptychs, canvas pouches to hold all our creations, plaster and wax tiles, plaster painted portfolios and sketches of the parroquia. Lots of memories to take home with us. 

Whipping up chocolate in the kitchen, churros at the ready.

Another shot of the spacious dining room.

A trip to the Aurora Fabrica revealed this huge Frida collage in addition to many other sculptures and paintings. Regretfully, I don't have the name of the artist but will credit them if someone can inform me.

Here's the torn paper work up close.

Katie and I had the pleasure of visiting with Merry Calderoni (on the right) and Verity J. Roberts at Merry's studio. Always inspiring to visit with other artists.

In my next post I'll have photos of the 2nd week including shots of Anado's Casa Las Ranas.

My head is swimming with love for my new friends and memories of all we shared. To be continued.


  1. What a joy to view a part of the most fabulous workshop ever. I lingered over each photo thinking how very special it had to have been. Thank you for posting your photos and work done by all you "pilgrims." Only wish I could have been a part of it.

  2. Absolutely mouth watering beautiful top to bottom!

  3. It is still a dream to be fulfilled for me. What a truly glorious pilgrimage !
    Welcome home. May your landing be sweet and easy, buoyed by the memories of it all.

  4. What a treat to see photos from the week before ours, thanks for this, Judy!!

  5. looks like a fabulous experience but then again time with you and Katie how could there be anything but!

  6. dorylyn10:08 PM

    It is better than my dreams! So hope you will do this again next year!!!! Beautiful!!!!

  7. Thank you Judy it was a beautiful, wonderful and creative week so full of fun, food and magic. Thanks you

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Looks like a fabulous journey and everyone looks refreshed and excited at every turn! Would be a dream to attend one day with a group of pilgrims to call my own.
    Thanks for sharing these awesome photos!

  9. OOoooo how I would so love to be there - it looks fabulous. Maybe next year?!

  10. {{ oh oh
    thank you dear one
    for sharing week 1
    here ...

    isn't SMA
    the best location
    for creating !! }}

    thank you greatly
    for the stellar lessons
    & helpful tips

    Pilgrimage indeed !!

    you are Joy

  11. DELIGHTFUL SPECIAL share!!! thank you judy! <3

  12. Judy - fantastic photos! Love to see our art intermixed with the art of the city - the city itself! The joy and laughter can be felt in each picture. It was a true joy to be there with you experiencing it all and learning each day.

    I hope we can all return one day.

  13. Judy, I had no idea this post had been 'posted'. lol Anyway, thank you for being so supportive during our wonderful journey to San Miguel. I do have fond memories and I am gradually spreading my wings to new ideas and am letting my artistic side have a chance to breath and emerge. Thank you again to you and to Katie.
