
Friday, September 06, 2013

End of Summer Update

It's been a summer of doing instead of reporting. After 7 years of teaching my need to paint for myself has grown stronger and harder to supress. This has collided with my schedule as well as a hand injury. After two demanding retreats where I was lifting etch presses, setting up classrooms, moving mountains of boxes of art supplies and so on I've found myself grounded with tendonitis. Insert a good swear word here.

Wrist brace, lots of icings, rest. I dont do that well. I was scheduled for a cortisone shot in the thumb joint but chickened out after reading about cortisone on the web.

So yesterday I did some painting and made a new journal with a canvas cover. Floppy canvas. I want this one to be as light as possible. I've experimented with wood, canvas board, acrylic panel and matboard as journal cover materials, all in an effort to get the weight down. So this one is the lightest yet.

The garden this summer was the best in years. We had perfect sunshine and dry weather. Everyone's calling it the year of the red tomato. Here's the dear one showing off some of his onion varieties.

Happiness is a productive garden around these parts.

From the left: Cippolini Bianco DiMagio, Tropeana Lunga, Noord Bloedrode, Yellow Flat Dutch.  

Here's a big one, Giant Red Pear, nearly 2 pounds for those of you not on my Instagram list.

We've been canning together. He does most of it; I'm just the person who stuffs the bottles.

These ruffled beauties are also Giant Red Pear tomatoes. (Grand Sasso or sel Franchi, they're so similar.)

I got a Spiralizer last week and used it one one of our neighbors' giant zuchinnis. The way to make the zukes really appetizing is to refrigerate the curls overnight and then use them in salads. The curls are soft at room temperature but after refrigeration they become crisp. Then I like to use salad dressing (my choice is 4 squirts of Chef Macee's Italian) and serve over greens, chopped garlic and tomatoes. Really yummy. Of course there is always the trick of serving in place of noodles in any noodle dish.

That's what's going on at our place. That and getting ready for a visit to Denver, Santa Fe, and then in October to San Miguel de Allende to teach. Hope you're being creative and eating well. xoxo


GailNHB said...

Such beautiful vegetables. You are so blessed to have all that bounty at your back door and a husband who is clearly gifted in the art of farming. I'm sure you will enjoy all that deliciousness for months to come.

Yay for you!

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Good call on the shot Judy. I broke my wrist in March & just got to see a hand surgeon 2 weeks ago. He did two shots in my wrist for diagnostic purposes and it was EXCRUCIATING! The room spun, I got flushed & nearly fainted. It took 5 days for the agony to ease. Never again!! I hope you heal soon. Not having pain free use of your hand is awful!

Lynn Cohen said...

Sorry you hurt your hand. Do hope you'll let it heal.
Love the soft canvas cover. Who sells that?
What's it called, floppy canvas?

Your art journal looks great!

Always amazed at what your husband grows! The enormodiness of it all!

Our spiralizer s look alike even though I think we got different brands. I love the zucchini noodles stir fried!

Anni Hunt said...

Spiralizer heh? Will be looking for that next time I'm in the kitchen store!

Clare Wassermann said...

Wonderful food. I love those deep purples of the onions. Hope your hand gets better very quickly but do try homeopathic medication. ruta is what you may need xx

dorylyn said...

So sorry about your hand, I know how painful it can be! The produce is luscious! Yum!

Leslie said...

I love your new painting. How fun!

And nothing makes me happier than a fresh-from-the-garden onion like that. The time when I can pick them up from our local farm market will be ending shortly, and then it's back to the slightly soggy variety the grocery store sells.

I have a constant struggle with overuse of my right hand - right thumb mostly. But I can hardly think of a thing I want to do that doesn't utilize it. So, it's a daily ibuprofen or two and trying to use my left. Ha!

Enjoy your fall adventures!

Kathy said...

First I've heard of the spiralizer and sounds like a great way to use the bounty of summer squash! We have been enjoying the harvest this beautiful summer brought us, too. I can say, though, that I heard my entire yard breath a collective sigh of relief in that downpour Thursday night!

gigi said...

Love love love to see your pictures of vegetables! And art! And art journal-making! Hope your hand heals soon.xo

Amelia said...

Sorry to hear about your wrist. Teaching can be so hard, one of the reasons I love doing online teaching ;) I also had to change much that I ate due to aches and pains in my body and it's definitely helped! What wonderful looking garden goodies - definitely inspires me to grow my own - something to add to my long wish list.

Anonymous said...

I had the same type of tendonitis from caryying my kids around. I wore a brace on my wrist that extended up my thumb, for months. The only thing that took it away was a cortisone shot. The shot had a numbing agent in it, so it didn't hurt. It was achy the next day, but the tendonitis healed after that. GOod luck.

trish said...

Oh my goodness I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful, bountiful harvest! What a joy to enjoy :) xobig

Unknown said...

love the journal cover Judy.... scrumptious colours.. .and the! what a garden you must have!

Caterina Giglio said...

oh yum, you make my mouth water... and thanks for the tip on the zuc spirals... hope your boo boo heals quickly WITHOUT cortisone... evil stuff that

macook said...

You may want to try the cortisone injection. I have tendinitis in my right arm from all the handwork over the years. I have had several injections over a number of years in my elbow (yes, it hurts, but stops very quickly because of the numbing agent). It has always helped, at times more than others. I also have had my hip injected and my shoulder. I have had no negative effects. Trying it one time let you know for certain, whether it helps you or not. Wishing you all the best...