Mixed Media painting and non-representational are co-existing inside me this summer. So I'm refusing to choose. Just letting some days be paper play and some days be about painting on canvas.
Here is a little image for my mixed media friends. My daughter and I were visiting yesterday and she challenged me to put on the vintage dress that my mother got married in. I think that was 1941. So I put on the dress. We struggled to get the zipper closed and then Shellie took pictures of me.
Here's the image if you want to lift it off and play with it. I love repeat images for the journal. Borders and so on. Stripes and polka dots get extra points.
I spent a couple of days with the IEA group (encaustic) at the beach in Newport, Oregon. Shaun Doll came down from Seattle to give us a taste of rust paint, Ferricyanide home made colorant, and a recipe for "Monk's Ink" (the real thing) made from steel wool, vinegar and coffee. Sort of a mad scientist gathering.
Here Shaun and Karen examine some tjanting tools that Karen got in Indonesia.
Our group is having a show at the Newport Cultural Center this month and we had an opening party on Friday evening. Here I am with my painting in wax. The bundles were gathered right outside my studio door from a ornamental grass. I simply cut handfulls of them with scissors, knotted the bundles and placed them in the niche.
This was one of the wax pieces I worked on at the retreat. It was a hot day at the beach and all I could think of was getting out of my clothes and into the water.
Following are a few recent paintings on canvas. I'm resting for awhile after finishing the 26th painting. We have house guests coming and more time at the beach scheduled. I'm enjoying the freedom of exploring in several divergent areas with my work. I want to learn how to build my own substrates as well.
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Espiritu Azul 37x47" |
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Soft Parade 38x48" |
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Pauling's Theorem 36x46" |
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Cherry Coke 37x47" |
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Yearning 37x48" |
Let me know what you think of the new paintings; I need critical feedback. Whatever you have to say, I can take it.
Thanks for stopping by. Wish I could serve you some lemonade. xo
Judy- you look so cute in your mom's dress!
You inspire you so much, I mentioned you in my blogpost last night as I was dreaming of bowls and bowls.
I have to say that the piece you have on exhibit is just...wonderful. Organic and calm. I love that you incorporated the ornamental grass in the way that you did. That is a painting that I could live with day in and day and out and be happy every time.
Of your next paintings- the energy of them captivates me. I feel that"Soft parade" and"Pauling's Theorem" are the strongest paintings...but maybe it's because I see how it fits with you figurative work, even though totally different. They still carry that Judy Wise sense of color and playfulness.
Oh Mz Judy... ALWAYS and EVER INSPIRING!!!! Inquiring minds want to know the materials used and how you made your substrate with the niche? I could see myself LOVING that setup for my own work.
Judy, your mom was married the year I was born. Shush, don't tell anyone. I love the dress, but I mostly LOVE you in it, especially that smily first photo you are just a doll.
I would not begin to know how to critique your art Judy. It's all so fabulous to my eye.
I LOVE the bathing suit (old fashioned bra top) and the thick wax water! That is delicious!
Your abstracts dance for me! And sing! I love that last snakey one.
The piece with the wheat grass is dynamite!
Hey, I just told Seth Apter I'd take a workshop or two of his in May 2013 in Portland. Wouldn't it be fun to do that together? Interested?
Hi Judy,
Saw your wonderful work at the Exquisite Wax Exhibit in Newport VAC. Fantastic show! Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you so I could tell you how much I enjoy your art and your creative spirit. We're in Yachats for the summer, so hope to see you and more of your work while we're here in OR:)
Wow Judy, your new paintings are fabulous. I love the colour combinations you've used. Your designs are great. Love the photos of you in your Mum's dress too.
Judy i don't know how to critique either... i just seem to connect with everything you do! i want to get close to them, sniff them and if no one is looking in the gallery touch them! (all of which makes me sound terribly pervy but they are all so alive it seems like the only way to greet them!) thank you for the inspiration
Wow - Judy, you look just gorgeous in your mum's dress! In fact, you look gorgeous anyway! I love the top encaustic piece with the grass in the niche - that's brilliant. The beach one is beautiful - makes you want to touch the water.
I like elements of all the others - the snakey bit in the bottom image, the hand, and the layers. Yum yum.
I am always so happy when I see that you have a new blog post! I love you in your moms wedding dress. And your piece with grass in it is stunning. I really think you are finding your truth north as I am loving your abstracts. The first two take my breath away! Thank you for sharing... I cant wait for your eclass on abstract painting! :D
WOW! Your art work inspires me to continue on with my painting journey. And I love, love, love,the encaustic piece with the niche. So awesome!
Can I just say that you look so very beautiful these days, Ms. Judy ! You are radiant and seeing you in that dress is a treat !
Loving the new paintings. Very soft and with a deep child-like quality that I find really soothing. Does that make any sense ?
I love to watch you play !!!
Big second half of the summer hugs !
Your panting are beautiful! And now we can each have our own Judy! Yeah!!!
I love that dress!
I also love the last painting titled 'Yearning". For me this has deep yet soft sunrise colors with space to move about and less busy marks. It's a beauty.
your encaustics are fantastic. you have such a flare!!!
I love your new paintings. I keep going back to look, again and again. They pull me in!
i love the new paintings, and my favorite is the one with the bundles in the niche. The others, with the raspberry color are wonderful too. that isn't a color that usually attracts me, but the composition is wonderful, and they are so fresh that i'm very attracted to them. It's very different from what i think of when i think of your work. i know you wanted critique, but honestly, they are fantastic. sorry :)
Judy, I'm not qualified to provide critique. I can only say I love the playfulness of the paintings. They look like the smile you wear these days. Life looks good for you and I'm happy for you. Thank you for continuing to inspire us.
Love love LOVE your paintings. Also, I like your names (titles?) for them--adds another dimension to them. And the Mom's dress photos are really fun. I will be downloading them for art journal or collage work. xo
I see more of you in these new paintings.. it must be the drawing-like marks. As if you're finding YOUR way to do this.
Love the dress up photos!
Love them all. I'm always inspired when I visit your blog. I should do it more often!!!
Judy, you look awesome in your mom's dress -- fits you perfectly and it looks so hip and fresh even today. Also, loving your new work. Fun to watch you experiment and continue to evolve.
you are so freaking cool! I LOVE, love, love these images of you in your mom's dress! Fabulous!!!
Loving your new work, Judy! colors are so yummie and free...makes me happy just to gaze on them!
And you are too cute in your mom's dress! xox to you!
LOVE the dress....that it was your mom's and that you look so fabulous in it!! so cool~
your paintings are playful and colorful and draw me in~
and i can't wait to see you in september~~~~so excited!
Judy, I really love your paintings. The gestural marks appeal to me especially. They have energy and interest. Thanks for inspiring me!
Judy - I was in awe of the energy pouring out of this latest entry. Your appearance and your work are both radiant; both look wide open and free from that nasty inner critic. My critique is simply that your paintings look effortless - that the inner dialog is being put down freely and authentically. Success!
bella! your work is wonderful...
not critical feedback I'm afraid, cos I just LoVe these paintings! Or maybe that is critical, just good critical?!! Love the free looking lines, the colours, so gorgeous
That's a great outfit on you. Very flattering. Paintings are beautiful as per usual!
Amazing. I hope you get these all in a galley. You will be famous someday. Wish u did insta.
I LOVED the lemoncello!! Thanks so much for adding that to your lemonade! (And I thought I was the only one who did that.)
Judy? That dress is a major treat for the eyes. With you in it, I mean. What a cool thing to have. And thanks for showing the label! I'm going to Sears tomorrow! Last time I went, they only had the horizontal stripes. I'm taking them this photo. Let them explain THAT.
Fun dress, you look great in it! Love all the paintings, yum!
Pure ecstatic creative energy pulsating throughout all of my senses. Sheer joy, and absolute lust for each and every one of your creations!!!
Sign me up for the cold wax online class that I trust you will be offering soon!!! (wink)
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