Seth has many of us art-bloggers participating in a fun experiment of disintegration and collaboration with nature. What you do if you wish to play along is to tie up a bundle of papers however you choose and expose it to the elements until a date in April. So this is my bundle which consists of a painting and collage on torn cardboard, stapled on teabags, tied and glued on rolls of paper and a wisp of fabric.

I hung my bundle on the rose trellis where the Cecile Brunner rose will twine around it soon and add it's sweet beauty to the mix. Photos will follow in April at the end of the project. Cecile doesn't usually bloom until May but maybe she'll give us one early blossom for the final photograph.
Edit: Seth informs me that the finish date is actually May 1st so there'll be a good chance for my rose to bloom by then.
Love the collage, stapled tea bags, scrolls and the idea of the roses becoming part of the project. Disintegration and reincarnation combined and entwined. Ideal!
This is a stunning is. Even before the collaboration with nature. I look forward to seeing the impact of the elements. So glad you have joined in!!
What a cool idea...hmmmm, I might get in on this but mine surely won't be as gorgeous as yours, even in the beginning.
Peace & Love,
I Like the idea of the final photo and getting nature to twine around it. Clever YOU! ;-)
love this project - and yours is gorgeous Judy! - I made 2 more today - couldn't resist - looking forward to seeing you again at Squam - so tickled that I'll be teaching - best wishes to you Judy...
xox - eb.
Yipee Judy
Looks enticing, can't wait to see what organic elements come of this.
What a cool idea. I want to join in too. Yours looks fabulous!
so cool, haven't seen anything like it! now i WANT that!
I heard/saw this first from Femminismo. What _I_ should do is peel back my roof and allow it to disintegrate my entire upper floor (where my studio is) right now as I am having to move it down to my basement.
The project looks absolutely wonderful even before the disintegration. And I appreciate that you are going to have the Cecile Brunners join your project.
Your Friend.
That is such a cool idea. Maybe I'll join you during my vacation (only 1 more week!).
I signed up for your Translucent Layers class at SAW (hope I get it!) and am giddy with excitement...even though it is 7 months away. I can't wait to see you again and learn more. I've been painting a lot this month...due to challenges Misty has been putting forth that have pushed me along. You would be very proud of my art journal. It grows is thickness by the day. No words really...but lots of paint and experimentation. And lots of believing in myself and surprising myself with what I can do. I am far less nervous than I was when I started in your class!
Thanks for the doses of inspiration and encouragement!
it looks lovely and ready to be left to the elements...the idea is so neat, i await the pictures at the wonderful your friends must be...
Oh Judy disintegration has a totally different meaning to us at the moment. So many of our communities have disintegrated, it's beyond belief, we are all in a daze, life seems so surreal. We just have to recover then rebuild. I hope mother nature is kinder to your lovely work than she has been to our state. Thanks for your kind wishes.
Hi, I so like your blog! I was taken by this "Disintegration" post and plan on taking something out in the yard...thank you for sharing this project.
Mary Ann
Hey Judy,
I am in Mexico trying to email you.....I have questions about Squam. Please send me your email address.
Judy, I went to your WONDERFUL blog this morning because I am taking your Stencil Self Portraits at AU in August. A friend of mine took your class in Portland when we were there for A&S (Linda Schuler). She did one of her daughter's dog and it was darling. I am adding you to my favorite blogs and artists. You are such an inspiration. I now am FINALLY working on my blog, but there are some things I just don't know how to do and a friend is going to help me. Thanks for your creativity. See you in August. Jo
awesome idea Judy. My husband and I rust fabric (and other things) so we love to let nature take her way.
just found your blog for the first time thru "notes from the voodoo cafe" I love your art and your blog. I was visiting with some art friends last night and one of them started on Seth's project and then I see yours today. Guess I should get started! Hope to take one of your classes someday.
Hello Fair Artist of assemblage and other wonderful things,
We have been watching you. We are artist also. At least that's what they call us. You may even know us. We'd like to invite you to a member of our very Private Club. We're very selective and only an elite few are welcome on our hallowed grounds. We pick you.
We even have a little 'chit chat' room just for the likes of you. It's rightfully called Dante's Pub. But when your enter BEWARE! You are entering the abyss of the artist mind! You may not find your way out.
You're welcome to watch from afar while drinking your brew or pull up a chair and join us for a little chat. Be sure and register and then log in. After all, this is a very private club. We don't allow just any wanderer in our midst.
Don't dilly dally now! It wont cost you a pence. Check out The Artist Challenge and Dante's Pub- that is if your daring and think yourself worthy to be amongst the souls we've claimed?
Farewell...until we hear from you,
Master Mike and the Pub Wench
Artist Challenge-
Dante‘s Pub -
Seems this project is going around. Love your cute postcards.
Cannot wait to see what the vine adds to the disintegration process in yours.
Have been enjoying your blog and painting adventures for a while now.
Judy, I don't know if I told you, but I won't be able to take your class in Phoenix after all. Lots of things have conspired against it. It's disappointing.
My paper bundle is getting soaked today! storms storms.
I hope to meet you some day soon.
oh i love this idea. i can't wait to see how it develops. i think i my join in on this of course i've missed a few weeks of disintegration but guess that's ok.
btw i love your art work and your blog - glad i found you.
It's so interesting seeing everyone's bundles for this project. Yours is so beautiful "as is" that I don't know if I could have parted with it! Can't wait to see it in May.
This whole project is just an AMAZING collaboration!! I love your contribution!
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