Nine days at the beach with 10 women friends. All the women brought their art supplies, their good natures, cameras, food, equipment, books, journals and their dreams of renewal.

What met us there was 9 days of glorious sunny weather, lapping waves, a beautiful house to be comfortable in and the gentle nurturing spirit of others. We played nice and we made things together.

One of the women brought a candle for each person who attended. We let our lights shine together and we became quiet and humble.

We painted, sculpted, cut, pasted, wrote poetry, did Soul Collage, felting, book making, jewelry making, story telling, dream spinning and future planning.

We made amazing things and we felt our spirits being filled with the shared vision.

We agreed that on our return we would use our quiet moments to reflect on life's possibilities instead of life's limitations. That we would reach out to others in support and friendship instead of looking at the things that are disappointing. We returned home with full hearts and a deeper love of each other and of others too. It was good.
i am lighting my soul candle in honor of each of you.
i just know true goodness will reach out from this and touch so many in ways yet to be understood.
thank you for this love post.
Well, this is why I was sitting here at the computer - waiting for my chance to visit the beach and hear what your week was like. Thank you so much for taking us along in your heart. Yes, let's all be more quiet and reach out to others. jeanne
Your week looks like a bit of heaven on earth.
fabulous! thanks for sharing, and welcome home~~
sounds so good. and so important :)
big hugs,
ooh.. Thanks for letting me experience this cool bonding and expression and shared vision vicariously... 9 Days?! how wonderful.
and I love a view of a vibrant art space!
Thank you for sharing this, Judy! Looks like you had a lovely time... :)
it was good.
and a true renewel.
thank you for sharing these glimpses.
miss you.
adore you.
oh how I miss you so. i had NO idea that the return from those glorious days would be so slow...re-entry sluggish and full all at once. you make me want to be a better person...your light shines so so bright. Thank you for sharing it with me...I will forever be grateful. Forever.
hugs, laughs, tears, thankyous....
btw...FABULOUS pictures!!
so peaceful & beautiful! i can feel the light you share so freely. i thought of you all often with love & happiness that you had these days together.
welcome home, i hope it isn't too difficult of a reentry.
To hug you and Katie last night was a great feeling and one I wouldn't change for anything. To have you both safe, tired, full of wonderful tales, to laugh and cry together over a silly present, was what in the cold of the evening saying good bye to both of you, kept me truly warm. I am so glad you are home!
miss judy....loved your recounting of the days...we are all truly blessed.
let the light shine...
You can't imagine how much my soul and spirit would love to be a part of something like this adventure time you've experienced. To be in a place and share art and friendship with other women in such a wonderful place...it truly does sound like heaven.
I'm just in awe and so jealous you can't imagine.
Peace & Love,
What a great way to celebrate art and creativity, especially in the beach location, so much energy. I hope we get to see some of the people and the works, a whole nine days, how fabulous.
Looks like you had fun! Hope you're feeling refreshed. Have you heard of the OWOH blog give away? You need ot to enter and send the info to all your friends. This is so much fun.
Check it out on my blog. because it won't let me leave the link here.
Oh, what fun! I'm so glad you shared your time at the beach with the girls with us. Someday I'm going to do something like that. A few days away with just other artists and your art...sharing and learning, and bonding. What a dream getaway!
What a wonderful week that must have been!
This sounds like heaven on earth for me !!! How lucky and wonderful that you all made it happen !
That second shot... the frame within a frame. Excellent, from the cool deep shadowy blues into the bright light ivory white for a nice sit down with pals.
Thanks for this.
Oh yes, winter renewal.
My spirit is happily refreshed, alive.
My body happily tired from full days & late nights.
Wonderful pics, Judy.
Hugs and love dear friend.
woof, woof!!
Oh!!! How wonderful! I sat and thought of you all often, wishing you all paint-stained fingers, mouths tired from talking and smiling, hearts filled to bursting, and loads of love and warmth!!! I am so tickled to look at the images and read the words!!
loved the pole dancing...but wait a minute, maybe that was another retreat...
Sounds awe inspiring
How fun was that,one large pajama party with art!
What a perfect way to spend a week!
your works are really beautiful, I did a post with your tutorial on my blog.
OK, I'll just say it.....
I'm jealous
Sounds perfect, Judy. 10 days!!!!! WOW.
Don't let my husband hear this but these are the best of trips. To be with a bunch of creative, bright women .....there is nothing like it. I am green. How does one get on a list like this?
Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you for sharing your adventure.
I wish I could do something like this...
Sounds and looks like a wonderful trip. Heaven on earth.
Ohhhhhhhh...that's just too fabulous!!!!!!!!!!
We've dropped below zero again, so I'm just a little envious.
hey judy....my heart is so full...you shared the sentiments perfectly. love you and miss your generous spirit and laughter. mmmmmmmmmm!
thanks for the peek... i knew it would be an amazing time! that table... stacked high with all those wonderfuls... nice sandbox...yes indeed!
sounds glorious!
omg!!! am drooling at the sight, the thought and the magic! what a wonderful idea, place and gathering!
oh sweetness.
What a wonderful retreat!
9 glorious days! I sit here stunned to think of all the fun you all must of had creating and growing!
I have not made the blog rounds in a very long time and I was overjoyed to see your sculptures!!! amazing work! I adore the bird person on the wheels!
I look froward to seeing you artfest!
so wonderful!! now next time? if you need a cook? or a paintbrush washer? or any little thing? you just call me. it'll be a sacrifice, but i'll make it my mitzvah. :) Linda
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