Goodness, I'm blushing as I write this. It turns out there is a sister who's been living in France all these years. She came to visit yesterday and I must say she was a complete surprise. She is nothing like her sweet sisters. She's, uh, well, I'll show you.

I had to fashion a little pareau for her so she wouldn't get cold in my poorly heated studio. She showed up in a very skimpy outfit.

Oh, gosh, hide the children. Bibi says this is nothing in France. "But Bibi", I say, "this isn't France!"

Can I pin this on my friend Kay who came to play with me? She brought terra cotta and Sculpy Three which is flesh colored to experiment with.

Her whimsical friar comes apart in 3 interlocking pieces. Great idea! I like the expression on the Phoenix's face.

She looks innocent, doesn't she? It's always the quiet ones ...

Here she is with the rest of the family.

And properly clothed. I sure hope that's out of my system now.
hmmmm - Summer doesn't seem to approve of Bibi and the two older sisters just have to look away at Bibi's scant attire and total french attitude! ah, yes, a typical family!
I very nearly wet my pants laughing on that one! You are a hoot! nottomention prolific and have a great imagination ;~)
i'll be Grace...
YOU are definitely Summer..
stay warm!
Goodness me how the family is growing! And a French relative with all her naughty ways...
i am loving this little family!
Your dolls are awesome Judy...
Welcome Bibi too and her seemingly outlandish ways. My 16 yr old grand daughter wanted me to knit her a doll in her likeness after I knit them for the little grandkids in theirs. But she wanted hers to be wearing a bikini. I did that plus gave her jeans and a jean jacket for modesty! LOL Isn't doll making fun though! We can play out all sorts of fantasies. Ours and others! ;-)
I do like your new banner too!
I seriously doubt that it is....out of your system. I'm thinking Bibi has friends in hiding.
Oh, my! Isn't she the naughty girl? Sheesh Judy...your art dolls are incredible!
elle est très charmante!
simply a*D*o*r*A*b*L*e
hey bibi girl, you got it, you flaunt it baby!
judy, your inspiration and creativity are just exuding through the pores of these dolls into the blogosphere - you RoCK girlfriend!!!!!
And how am I supposed to break this to Birdie, pray tell? I will have to keep her away from the laptop since she is learning to check her mail and who knows what she would do once she finds out about that little hussy coming in a bikini all the way from La France! The horror, the horror! She can come to visit if she gets dressed. Birdie is so proper and the rest of the yayas are not very pleased. Who would have "thunk"?
LOL Judy!!! she is gorgeous and my she is scantly clad isn't she?
I don't think she looks all that innocent. She looks as if she has "le attitude." jeanne p.s. but I love her!
Oh the family looks great!!
bibi is a racy one isn't she?!?
Your post about Bibi's visit made me laugh. I like her. She looks like a free spirit, much to the chagrin of her sisters. Love the way you have them arranged in the group photos. The top one is my favorite. Thanks for making me smile this morning. :)
Judy, you have always been my hero, but you should know that you are my role model for 2009! I am sitting here in complete awe, trying to catch up on your blog, but I must catch up with you, too. There's an empty little spot in my heart that can only be filled by you. :-) Please shoot me an e-mail when you have a moment. I am afraid I'll call and interrupt the magic! Love, love, love, Irene
oh my Lord! that bibi is full of it, isn't she? you better lock up the sculpy at night or there will be a slew of sailors in there when you wake up tomorrow! she is très magnifique!
oh i am cracking up over here...
too funny!!!
love bibi's hairdo. :)
you make me smile judy wise.
oh,la,la...she's my kind of gal ~ the skimpier the better, clothes are for the faint of heart *hee,hee*
love seeing them as a family...sooo dear!
LOVE the doll! And the French attitude! BEST Wishes for 2009! See you at ArtFest!
Just loving this entire family and your spurt of creativity, as well. Love that expression on Bibi's face!
The other Sculpey IIIs your friend has done look quite fun, too. (Esp. that bird! LOL.)
Have a great week, Judy.
out of your system....hmpf....your system is thick with the juice of mischief and daring and I expect to see more of it along the way. Wouldn't have it any other way. How else can we express our secret selves than by making alter egos from clay??!! You thong-wearing rebel rouser, you!! LOVE you for that!!
love your work and your site.....
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