If you can get to Portland on July 19th you have the opportunity to take a one day workshop focusing on his painting techniques with local artist
Jesse Reno. (I'll be there!) He is a brilliant creator with an amazing body of work. Contact Nikki Blackwood at nikblack@hotmail.com for more information.
We are so lucky that he has agreed to teach right here in River City!

Yesterday I painted 4 more encaustics on wood. These are all wax, no underpainting.

The challenge I set for myself was to use the carbon paper technique (modified) that Natasia demonstrated at the last IEA meeting.

I found an ancient piece of carbon paper that I used for the black lines. I love how they sink into the wax when you fuse them.

Today it's back to abstracts I think. With the wax I never know what's going to happen until it happens. I just want to try as many different things as I can think of. One must be fearless in the studio and laugh at the voices that say negative things.
"One must be fearless in the studio and laugh at the voices that say negative things."
...is going up in my studio!!
Wow Judy the brilliance continues. I love these fabulous pieces too. Encaustics is one of the few things I haven't tried as I have no idea how to start. No-one seems to teach it over here and books on the topic are few and far between. Maybe one day I'll get to take one of your classes.
Great job. I admire the process.
Judy, the little house with the red flowers -- such a wonderful piece. Thanks again for your generosity of spirit.
How wonderful that you will be taking Jesse's class a few weeks before me! I can not wait to take the class and marvel in his unique form of expression. Your new encaustic pieces are yummy! I wish I could reach into my screen and feel the texture. : D
Love your housies, Judy...especially that last one. You're doing amazing things with wax, woman!
Judy, I've been following along silently, soaking up all your artistic goodness but needed to say an extra "YUM!" to you today. I am absolutely loving these "wax only" pieces and the addition of carbon? Pure heaven. Thanks for sharing! :)
What FUN new pieces! Love all your new stuff! You be rockin'!
Have fun at the Waxy Goodness Seminar.
oh, my heavens.
I keep seeing your comments on everyone's blog, Mary Ann's, Michelle's, Lisa's, just EVERYWHERE! And I came over here to be all witty and snide about why you have never commented on MY blog, even though I'm a COMPLETE STRANGER! And what do I find? So much gorgeousness I can't even measure it. I LOVE these! Sorry I haven't been here before, but I'm still finding people.
I'm thinking of taking Jesse's class at Carol Parks in August, and now, I'm pretty much decided!
Your work is fab.
Now my heart is full to bursting. These colours, the wind in the air, the feeling of change and security all at once. I wish I could make something even approaching these.
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