I just have to share the work these kids are doing with someone. Their inventiveness amazes me; they jump in and work, they love the wax and pigment. The work they are producing is wildly successful.

To really appreciate the rich detail of the textures you have to make the images larger. The secret ingredient in the one above is apple cider powder and 2 coats of amber shellac mixed with black pigment over green and red wax, fusing after each layer. Shazam!!

The board above has a tea bag on the left side dunked into colored wax or waxed with color after (I'm not sure). Two of the students have set up a home studio already and did this piece there.

I like the 2-D effect of the thick wax on the flags in the piece above.

I wish I knew the names so I could give credit where credit is due. Lots of different techniques on display.

Cut and fill wax technique above. Great spatial depth and contrasting textures.

Tiles and colored wax in the grid above.

Tissue paper, colored wax, bronze or copper pigment, drawn images in ink.

Detail of a large piece showing amber shellac, texture achieved with sprayed water and heat, melted wax, pigment and the ground burned completely through.

Did I mention that these kids can draw? No? Well, these kids can draw. What an experience for me this has been. I just circle the room and watch what they come up with; fresh ideas, brilliant approaches, original solutions. I'm inspired.
These kids are brilliant Judy, you must feel so proud, you're obviously a brilliant teacher too.
Wow. Every one of those pieces gives me inspiration! Amazing work - and all owed to a great teacher!
I ditto everything said already! This stuff is incredible! Don't you love the beauty that is born from a young person at play! No lifetime of ego all sticky and in the way. Thank you SO much for sharing these!! What a joy!
What amazing stuff. Love them all.
Wow! Amazing work! What great kids! And great you for inspiring them!
JUDY WISE! These are so WONDERFUL! These are fantastic! And they are KIDS? Holy cow, how rewarding!
How good it will be to see you again at artfest!
Those are all AMAZING. I want a couple of them for my house!!! those kids rock. great job Judy!
Wow--I'm so impressed and inspired as well!! These students are definitely rising stars! It sounds like this class has been a great experience for you as well!
wowzer, this work is outstanding!! love it! i wish i could be learning from you and these students. looks like an amazingly fun time!
quick question, how is the ink being drawn over the encaustic?
Wow! Those truly are amazing. Such a wide variety of styles. Your heart must be so full of joy as a teacher.
I look forward to meeting you at ArtFest. :-)
Just picked my lower jaw up from the floor and reattached it where it belongs. Dear muse, these kids are good!
Leah, to answer your question, the ink drawing in the last image was done on tissue paper and then placed on the block over a layer of wax, then waxed again. The drawing looks suspended in the wax - mmmmmm.
Judy I just wanted to thank you so so much for coming in to our class. your work is amazing and inspiring, and having you come was a fantastic oppurtunity. I loved learning from you, you really are a great teacher. Thank you again, I hope you had as much fun as we all did!
Well, is it back to the proverbial drawing board, or is it back to high school I go. I HATED high school.
It just goes to show that a truly good teacher is priceless.
these are so wonderful! I love teaching - and while I haven't worked much with kids - I always find that the students teach me at least as much as I teach them! And it looks like you're a pretty amazing teacher . . .
thanks for the answer, judy! it does look delicious! :-)
I'sorry for asking you here, it was the only way I could find to ask my question.
I love your site. I was looking thru and came upon Jackio' Cooli Patterned Paper, it the greatest and I want to know how to make some. Please let me know how to get in touch with her or have her get in touch with me.
I live in Bellevue, WA
Thanks waiting to hear from someone.
wow, wow, WOW, WoW, wow......
holy crap
it's not what came out, but i'm trying to keep it clean.
truly madly deeply
a real power house you've got there. those kittens have talent.
I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said ... amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, fabulous work. Talented kids. What an awe-inspiring experience it must have been for you and for them.
wow! how could you not be inspired, and feel blessed to be part of the process molding such creative spirits? :) Their work is simply fantastic! Very fresh, very original, very beautiful :)
A great art teacher leaves an impact on an artist for life!
Absolutely incredible!!! I hope you are printing these comments and showing the kids. They are amazingly talented. They inspire me and you are obviously an inspiration to them. I hope they know how much potential they truly have! Wow!
The work is very inspiring! Outstanding! I'm especially impressed that these kids have been given the chance to experiment with exciting mediums, new techniques and in a way- go wild. So many high school art programs are painfully limited.
These are amazing! Not only do they show how creative the kids are but how good a teacher you must be to inspire them!
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