I've had a house guest since Sunday and we've had a great time together. We knew each other in the 60's (college) and 70's (marriage and children) but then after divorces for each of us lost track of each other for some 35 years. We found each other again after Emma saw my photograph and feature article in Cloth Paper Scissors and tracked me down via the internet.

We talked on the phone and I was reassured by her voice. We arranged a visit. It was amazing. The same 2 people but 35 years of experience and change behind us. As a sociology experiment nothing could be more interesting. Each of us showing the signs of age and yet the same sense of humor, the same sharp observations of life, same political positions, same - same - same.

We romped around Portland visiting Powell's Books, the Goodwill Bins (oh goodness did she load up! We had to UPS her treasures home as there was too much for the plane), lots of restaurants, home cooking, art making, plaster smearing and chocolate eating. She loved John and he pronounced her "a good soul".

During her time here I created the painting on plaster in the photo above. I'll have it at Artfest but not a whole lot else. What can I say? I'm not spending enough time in the studio. But that has been my choice. People first. Honor the goodness of wise women and men who surround you.

Of course there was a lot of Mexican food involved. Emma and I knew each other from Mesa, Arizona, where we both attended school and where her father was a teacher. We have some stories between us.

She looks pretty innocent, doesn't she? You would not believe what is behind that little look of innocence. She's the live wire she ever was.

That was then. Both photos taken around 1967. We had matching haircuts and somehow she got me in a 2 piece bathing suit at her house.

She's one of the few people that can talk ME hoarse. We stayed up late partying and kept busy in the studio. She deconstructed a stack of tins with wire cutters and was game for every kind of mayhem; she's been antiquing and arting all these years while I've been painting and whatever it is that I do.

We each made an altered book to commemorate our reunion. This is mine. She found the cutest little skeleton transformer that I coveted so I made a mold and cast mine in plaster off of hers and painted it to match as well as I could. So we had sister momentos. The little fence is a piece of train track that someone gave me in a trade at Artfest one year. Everything else is plaster, paint, the usual suspects.

After I took Emma to the airport I spent the day going from art store to art store gathering supplies for my classes at Artfest. Since I am driving I have the luxury of hauling 3 gallons of gloss medium in addition to a load of other weighty stuff. Now I have a few days to organize and pack everything. I haven't had time to read blogs or feel caught up but that's where I am right now. Calmer days are coming but not very soon.
More than ever before I feel like I have to do all the things I put on hold to have a family, security, and to prepare for this moment. Now this moment is here but alas! time has moved on. It is a poignant truth; we only have so much time. So in this pensive mood I leave you; thanks again for honoring me with your presence here. Ciao.
You two look like you had a ton of fun!!!
I *heart* your journal pages...wow. Speak your mind. Speak your truth. Speak the truth.
Love it!
Have fun next week. Safe travels.
emma looks like a pistol to me. i bet you two cooked up all manner of trouble. i'm so glad she tracked you down. that is a good friend indeed. safe travels precious girl. life moves slow one day then zips right by the next. don't let the waves overwhelm you as you make that trip to artfest. breathe, breathe, exhale, exhale. xo-k
...glad you and Emma got to savor your moments and basked in your youth. we sometimes see that finish line,,, alas, long as there's drinks, food and our blessed creations, there is nothing to fear...can't wait to hear the tales from arfest
steph b
A beautiful post for a beautiful friendship. Thank you for sharing this amazing tale. : D
How wonderful Judy after all these years to see someone from your past. Sounds like you had a great time, I'm sure anyone who was lucky enough to spend time with you would have a ball too. Enjoy Artfest I hope you get to meet our Judy, she's loving your hardware stores.
Sounds like your friend's visit was something special. Have a great time at ArtFest. My mind is still boggling a the idea of 3 gallons of gloss medium.......
What a beautiful story. Your post truly warmed my heart as I cherish the thought of friendship transcending time, life and changes.
Have a great time at Artfest!
What a great post.
I loved that post, Judy! Your journal pages are amazing and I can't tell you how much I LOVED looking at those photos of you and your friend from '67. Please tell me, how is it that you haven't changed a bit in 40 years? I'm serious.
How in the heck can you do all that before Artfest when you are a teacher? omg you must know something I don't. You should teach, teacher prep classes for people like me. I will miss everyone at Artfest for the first time...sniff sniff. Have fun. Hey, I love those journal pages...where did you get that Henna Hand paper? Too very cool.
what a joy to have such a friendship. i'm envious and so glad you have this in your life.
Hi Judy - lurking no longer, I've been following your work and visiting your blog for awhile. I always come away with something after reading your posts and I just love your journals - they're so REAL.
How wonderful for you to have that breath of fresh air reminiscing w/ a dear friend before heading off to Artfest!!
Have a great time and btw I'd be thrilled and honored if you ever get a chance to visit my blog *smile*
How fun to reunite with an old friend. You look like you could be sisters.
I like that you put people before art. But I know you will always find time to create as that is what you DO!
Oh you hottie in a bikini!!
How wonderful it must have been to reconnect with a old friend!!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend!!!
Just spent a week eating Mexican food....in Mexico. I had so much avocado I am green with envy you are headed to Artfest. So many wonderful people, so many things to create. I hope you have a wonderful time.
I like your philosophy of just doing what you can and not stressing about it.
Enjoy, Judy.
i'm often overwhelmed by what little time there is and how much i want to do that i end up doing nothing, paralyzed.
i'm so glad your friend found you. how wonderful!
Its looks like you two had a great time ... and I hope you will be able to keep closer tabs. She looks like someone who knows how to enjoy life... just like you!
I have been away from blogging for too long. My computer is up and running again. I see I will have a lot of catching up to do as far as checking out my list of blogs… and btw: I am going away for a week – leaving Friday. Will I ever catch up?
People who knew you when always make for a great visit. I learn a lot looking at your journal pages and art. All this and "Wise" words as well. So glad I popped in.
Enjoy Artfest.
What a beautiful post and a wonderful testament to lifelong friendship.
Thank you for sharing the special visit with a long time friend. Last summer I too met with a friend from 30 years ago. It is so amazing when you are almost teleported back 30 years because we are still the same people. That's when you know the friend is a very special gift.
Here's my new mantra during busy, stressful times, "Breathe in peace, breathe out calm" Hope this gives you peace/calm. Have fun at Artfest
one thing you're gonna HAVE to talk about as we work on this project is the process of creating your journal pages. they're fabulous, and i want to be looking over your shoulder as you work.
Love your journal entries!!!
Looking at the photos is like sharing a bit of the joy you so generously share with us.
I miss visiting with old and new friends these days, but the time is fast approaching when they will take once again their rightful place in my life and I will feel, like you, that the time is well spent, even it keeps us away from the art for a bit. Isn't that friendship among others the ones that feed our creativity? Revisiting old places, now gone into the past, is to rob absence a bit, and that fills the spirit with laughter and then we are freer to create.
You are a good friend and as Juan would say: a good soul, and I love you,
oh Judy - what a beautiful, touching and warm post - I enjoyed it very much...
xox -eb.
Where are you? I am missing my daily blog stalk...hope all is well in your life.
Isn't it amazing, I've recently met a couple of friends again after not seeing them for 13 years. Like you say, same everything but all different too. The things that matter haven't changed. Hope you had a great time at ArtFest. i wish I could fly across the sea to go to such a thing.
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