It has writ, glued, torn, stamped and doodled. My conumdrum is that I dont like to attach as many bulky layers as my heros do (a little anal, that) and that the release I get from doing my morning pages comes more in the form of writing than it does from the visual side.

My recent pages have been halfhearted in the visual department. It really is true that I'm still not back in balance from the shutting down that the holidays force on me. It is hard to get going again although I try to gentle myself into action by doing a little each day.

Winter just has a different vibe to it than summer does. Right now I am envying
people who winter below the equator. Imagine never having to hear the wind howl for a year. That's for me!

Plus I get more introspective and slow in the winter. And Hermanito! Oh my! He totters about, sees poorly, sleeps all day cuddled up next to the woodstove and only reluctantly spends a few moments outside. I keep telling him to persevere; that spring will be here before we know it. And yes, there was a tornado across the river from Stumptown at noon today. So I sat entranced in front of the telly watching that as the clouds rolled dramatically overhead. Happily, no one was injured but a number of houses lost roofs and trees were snapped off.
Yeeks! Nature's trying to kill us!
your journals are special and dear. i love when i have this many fabulous new pages of yours to investigate! mostly i do my writing in my written journal, not visual, but that's because my visual work has no other resting place. you have all those rich wonderful paintings to pour the contents of your brain onto. what a nice balance. either way you slice it it comes out GOOD.
wind makes me want to put on my bear mask & juggling robe, hide in the closet and pretend i'm at the circus.
Well, you're one of my journalling heros. I do my morning pages in a plain black notebook (a moleskine cahier with smooth creamy pages) and then my visual journalling in another journal, technically in three other journals - one I can sling in my bag, one that I made that I love but is too precious to sling in bags, and a box for journal style loose pages. I need to get a grip maybe. It is cold and dark and raining here and I think I am going back to bed to see if I can lure a pussycat under covers to read ClothPaperScissors with me.
I wanna do that!
I love your journals. i've been doing a lot of journaling myself, just trying to ramp up, as well. Some visual and a lot of writing. Winter is always a time of deep reflection for me, but here in Phoenix, winter is not nearly what it is there! xo, Fran
Your journal pages are lovely! The combination of text and image works beautifully.
I always admire your artwork! This time its so wonderful and gorgeous and....I have no words..wow!
Judy, your journal pages are so inspiring. You've motivated me to journal weekly this year.
Me too Judy, I want to be visual when I want to be and just writing with a color around most of the time in my new journal adventure. I am glad that I am not the only one.
Dear Judy, Thank you for your generosity in showing others your creative process. I am an "emerging artist" and your blog meets my needs for inspiration and technique. Blessings to you! - Patricia
Judy, I have just very recently discovered your blog and splendid journal pages. You're generous and wonderful, and I wish you were my friend around the corner. Inspired by your journal pages, I have started to prep pages with paint, sloppily, so they would not be precious, and I marvel at how that has changed the tone and mood of the writing. I will come back and visit often. Thank you for sharing yourself and your work!
I love your journals. I am more writiy than arty in my journals also. It is just easier for me. Please don't apologize for them, for then I will have to also.
Your journals are just wonderful. I'm struggling with my daily one; already I'm unhappy with the look of it and I've only made four entries so far... However, I have finished the John Freeman one and am posting all the pages bit by bit. Maybe it makes a difference for me when my drawings are for someone else's words. Also winter is great for turning inwards and diving down. Maybe those winds are for blowing winter away and carrying spring with them.
Just found your blog. Thank you for an inspiring post -
Warm Regards
Ok, you've totally motivated me to be art journaling again. Soons s I clear the rubble off the top of the desk and figure out how to rearrange my studio so I actually like going in there.
Great pages.
These journal pages are wonderful, colorful and free spirited.
Hei sisters, who is giving us measurements what is good and bad and not-artisty-enough journaling? I appreciate that pages are from heart. Thank you for inspiration.
I think the fact that you are faithful to your journaling is what matters. The visual aspect will be stronger sometimes and the verbal stronger on other days...(you know this already!LOL!) Thank you for blogging and sharing what you are doing...I need to get some things scanned and posted too!
your journals are amazingly beautiful, joyful & colorful!
inspires me to get back into my journal pages~
thanks for sharing your inspirationally work!!
xo ~Izabella
Do you really do this every day?
I am in awe.
I would be so much more organized if I could get something like this together.
Even though you put yourself out there for all to see, I still feel like I am sneaking around when I end up reading from one of your pages.
You definitely made me think, after reading the Mormon comment, BTW. I would have more time as well.
My written journal gets written in most days but if I blogged it I'd probably be Sectioned! My visual journal gets less attention. At least you are doing yours, and not just doing it but making it beautiful and meaningful. My art journal gets neglected for weeks!
I have always really liked your journal pages. I do 2 journals one for writing gone for art and now I am trying to combine the two. I can't help to want to do both. I have found some surfaces you can't write on so I wondered do you paint and then write or write and then paint. If you paint first what paints are you using and what markers do you have that write over the surface. Thanks.
I'm really glad to hear your comments about writing. I don't understand where this art journaling thing came from. I do art and it's part of my soul, and then I write in my journal and work out dreams and problems that haven't had the opportunity to come out in the art.
The whole idea of journals as art makes me crazy, but I guess everyone can do whatever they want. It's just become like the "in" thing and that makes me hate it.
I prefer "out" to "in" always:-)
love the journal pages but love the paintings, too!
Thank you for your warmth and inspiration! You gave me courage to release some of my inner critics today.
Love these pages, I bought a journal and did one page...........I still feel hesitation to do something I´m afraid I won´t like in this beautiful book.
I think I will let the children from the other post inspire me......
funny...you describe your recent pages as "half-hearted" in the visual department but in my eyes they are spectacular!
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