I guess I'm not out of my book making jones yet. I meant to tackle my disorderly studio for a good clean up but when I went to change the kraft paper under my painting area I went into a swoon over all the random color. And then I decided to make it into a booklet to slip into my purse. So that when I have a brilliant idea I can just whip it out and write it on something deliciously beautiful. Yeah, baby.

So I tore it all up with a ruler and divided it into 3 signatures. Then I sewed the signatures coptic style into a booklet. Viola.

In some ways I find this brown paper as beautiful as the most expensive hand made. It records every splotch of moisure with such exquisite sensitivity. I love those ripples and curls.

This is my favorite bit. Where the cover page is torn and reveals a peek at what's below. Color. I need it like I need oxygen.

This is the back of the spine. It is not a fat book but I dont want a fat book for my little notes.

Here we go. Ready for its new home inside my purse. It's the little things. Simple and joyful.
What fun! I want to try this now. Thanks for sharing!
Real artists find beauty in everything. This is certainly a perfect example of this fact.
Ever try paper grocery bags?
Judy - I love it too. With a new baby I'm finding that I'm incredibly jealous of people who have 2 hands to do things with - as I seem to only have one these days - and your hands are really topping my jealousy list! Keep on inspiring me. In my mind I have many hands!
I so glad I am not the only one who see's art in things that others might toss in the garbage! ;o) great minds! *smiling*
it makes me happy just to KNOW that it's in your purse :-)
brown craft paper, wonderful stuff, the more dripped and wiped on, the better...
Great idea! And it looks fantastic!
What a delicious project! There is nothing better than paint finding random, but perfect patterns. The texture, color, form, etc... is divine; and if it couldn't get any better, knowing these yummy pages will be the base for your musings, makes the book all the more special. :D
I am craving bookmaking and getting ready to do harder constructions than I have tried before. Your bookmaking frenzy is keeping me going until I can get started. It's also keeping the mood going so that it doesn't go off the boil and for that I am particularly grateful.
Judy... I LOVE this idea.. I might have to make me one too. I adore colors splashed about upon craft paper!
Ok.. ONE QUESTION... where did you find the paper?
This is such a great and fun idea. The book looks fantastic and I agree with you about the beauty of this simple paper.
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