
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Teaching at Artfest

Pinch me; a long time dream has come true. I will be teaching two classes at Artfest next April. Anyone who knows me even slightly has heard me rave about this wonderful place for artists to gather and grow; everyone who attends watches in awe as their lives change as a result of the amazing learning and networking that occurs there. In a word (or two) we support each other. We accept and encourage each other. We include new people. We will make you feel welcome and at home. And in a few years you might be writing a "pinch me" post of your own. Check out the classes and consider giving this gift to yourself.

All skill levels are welcome. Come play with us. I'm inviting you now.


  1. You are a great reason to go to ArtFest!!
    I can't wait to meet you at Art Unraveled!

  2. Ok, I want the name and number of your travel agent. First Mexico and now ArtFest! Hook me up, Judy!

  3. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I was very happy to see you listed in the workshops. Look forward to meeting you, and possibly being in the floor cloth class. The pictures are wonderful.

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I saw that you were teaching, exciting! It'll be great to see you there again...

  5. Congratulations on Artfest, Judy! Your classes look great!

  6. I'll be away from my computer for awhile, folks. thank you for all your good wishes. I'll try to get back to each of you later.

  7. YEAH JUDY... I can't WAIT to see you dear friend.. and Give you and MZ. KATIE.. a GREAT BIG HUG!!!1


    HELP.. I am DROWNING in to-do's before I fly away next week.... =))))

  8. JUDY WISE! I am so excited that you will be teaching. You are my number one choice for day two! I hope I get into your class. It is nice to see so many friends teaching this year.

  9. I so wish I could be there, I'd LOVE to take your class and see your work in the flesh, even over the internet your work has such depth and intensity, maybe one day I'll afford a piece

  10. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I wish, I wish, I wish I could go to ArtFest! Every time I read about it on all the arty blogs, I drool!We have nothing like it in South Africa but I can look forward to seeing all the wonderful photographs and reading about the amazing classes later.

  11. I hope one day I can attend Artfest and maybe even take one of your workshops! Congratulations!

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Congrats Judy! I hope to meet you there and take a class as well. Your art makes me soooo happy! Gorgeous colours.


  13. It is my dream to attend one of these ArtFests someday...I can't comprehend being around such a large group of creative women who support one another. It sounds like pure joy to me. :~)

  14. Hi!
    I'm having an Artful Blogger party on my blog this Wednesday the 8th to celebrate the publication and artsy blogs everywhere. Congrats on your article. Hope you'll join in the fun.
    Also CONGRATS on being chosen to teach at ArtFest. Woohoo!!!

  15. Well... I can't wait to pinch you IN PERSON! You are my first choice Miss Judy! I was so excited to see that you are going to be teaching... yippppeeee! What fun you are going to have. Pinch pinch pinch!


  16. I am so excited to be going this year. I am on my way to the website to look up your class. How exciting!!

  17. Anonymous12:07 PM

    just found you via tracie lyn...i had lunch with she and marilyn and she couln't say enough encouraging things about you...all the support you gave/give. i wish i could take a class with you...but, i too need to be pinched as i will be teaching at artfest also. i can't wait to meet you...annie
