
Monday, August 06, 2007

Back from Idaho, On to Arizona

We just touched down from Art on the Green at Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho. The weather was perfect and the lake was all that and more. The art fair was tremendous fun as always and the people in Idaho were very kind to us. I gathered a new group of artists to share with you; as always, the ones I found outstanding and unusual. I hope you like them.

This is Nan Drye of Drye Goods Clothing & Art. She is modelling a jeans jacket with hand painting and transfer and embellishments. Love the shells and trim she's chosen.

The cowboy in chaps struck me as particularly frisky and fun. Embroidered bright red poppies and Nan herself. Good job!

Nathan and Mary Eberle set up next to me and have an unusual art form. They make flowers out of various kinds of paper. They just finished filming a segment for DIY network and their business is really taking off. They are also musicians; Mary is a vocalist and Nathan plays keyboard. This is a very exciting time for them; it's fun to watch talented young artists get recognition and success. For a close-up, check out their website.

And here again is my friend Ami Davis. She weaves the nicest wraps and garments of anyone (they feel different; softer and more luscious) and you can contact her at I wrote about her at Edmonds but Blogger lost all the photographs that went with the post and I didn't save a copy so I thought I'd try again. She lives in Missoula near the very famous awesome Michael DeMeng. For such a small town, Missoula sure is home to a lot of artists.

This is Rik Nelson and his school of fishes. Made out of can lids, bottle caps and colorful kitchen tins. He showed me how he coordinates the colors of the tins with the beer and soda caps he flattens and uses. Recycled - yay! Colorful - yay! Clever - way yay! Check it out here.

Next is Mari Anne Figgins. She is a Spokane artist and can paint watercolors like nobody's business. Enjoy her website. She is a master of the art.

Under the tall pines surrounding Lake Coeur d'Alene. In a grassy meadow. Listening to the great music and eating huckleberry ice cream. Feeling a great calm as we watch the people go by. This year for amusement I counted crocs (the shoes) and listed them by colors every time a pair went by. They are hugely popular. (I have 2 pairs.)

This year's sand sculpture. If you click on the archives you can see last year's sand sculpture too.

The customary celebratory after-show Margarita celebration. Life is good!

And this was waiting for me when I arrived home. I collect tarot decks and did not have this one. When Ricë Freeman-Zachery offered one up on her blog I hurled myself at the chance and thrillingly was chosen to receive this. I can't wait to sit down and play with it thoroughly; thank you Ricë, not only are you the web's funniest writer but you are generous as well.

BTW, Ricë has a new book coming out in about a month entitled Living the Creative Life. I just know with her incredible writing that it is going to be a great one. You can pre-order it at Amazon.

So now I have to cover my eyes so I don't get tangled up in reading all the blogs I've fallen behind on (this is soooo hard. I try to keep up with all of you and usually do a pretty good job) - but I am off to Art Unraveled in 2 days so I have to RUN and get ready to go now. I will catch up on everything when I return and I will bring news from sunny, monsoon-y Arizona.

In haste,


  1. Thanks for introducing us to all these new artists, I have to check out their sites. I just LOVE the tarot cards, they look soooo interesting and colourful.
    Have a great time at Art Unraveled Judy

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    judy, does she sell the tarot cards.......i would love to buy a set....i am taking a spirital class that involves the tarot and would love to get know my email... minnie

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Those tin can fish and the strappin' cowboy on steroids have got me all hot and bothered. What a lovely place filled with interesting artists! Thanks for the virtual tour.
    And.......the great thing about blogs is they're right there where you left them when you get home. Tonight is my blog catch-up time and YOU are the cat's pajamas.

  4. I hope I see you at AU!!! I will look for you.
    Best ~ Rella

  5. What does huckleberry taste like?

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    it's okay since you left us with so many fab links to keep us busy til you return . .


  7. I love it when you post art festivals. I feel like I am there. Plus its fun to window shop right from your blog site..
    take care

  8. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Hi Judy,

    It was great to see yuo again, thanks for taking my classes!!!

    So thanks you very much for commenting on me, I love your site, but plese note that I went to school 1/2 a semester and dropped out and joined a cult, then went one semester at Cornish and dropped out too... but did get some credit there,,, but I do remember hanging out with you and Sandra Green and Robert Collison...

    oplease check out my pictures.. xoxoxxo
