
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nuts and Bolts

I didn't even get halfway down my to-do list today. All I have to show for the last 3 days is this folder that I whacked out yesterday morning while waiting for a friend to visit. She and I had a great time together. After years of working in isolation I am finally meeting some Portland area artists - a welcome development.

Two days ago Karen Landey came and filmed me for the DVD magazine called Indy Arts. We spent several hours together as she asked very good questions and I gave a thorough tour of my studio and recounted my years of experience as a printmaker, watercolor artist and finally painter on canvas. (okay, also ceramics, mixed media, encaustic, batik, leatherworker and jewelry fabricator) As she was leaving she gave me a copy of a previous issue of the publication (a DVD, remember?) and when I watched it I was really impressed with Karen's production and editing skills. The issue I watched had a demo with Beckah Krahula showing step by step how to emboss the metal that she forms into beautiful book covers. I've always wanted to know how this was done and amazing to me was the fact that after watching this demo I could gather the tools and materials and actually attempt it myself. (I learn better by watching than by reading.) Anyway, I will be featured in the next issue and I urge you to check out the site and to consider subscribing to Karen's magazine. She is pouring her heart into this effort and I think she is doing a great job. The issue with Beckah also has an interview with my compadre Laurie Mika that you'll enjoy.

And speaking of magazines, I got my pre-release issue of Artful Blogging magazine and the write up and photographs they published of my blog was wonderful. The release date is August 1st and I think the new publication is going to be a big hit.

Coming up next is a trip north to visit dear friends and more dear friends, one of which is the scintillating katie kendrick. Could I be more excited? Non! She and I will have some announcements to make soon, stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    LOVE that funky stencilized folder. Seeing that folder has just put exactly 328 ideas into my head that weren't in there 10 minutes ago.
    YOU'RE in Artful Blogging? All the more reason to race down the stairs and run all the way to a bookstore on Aug. 1st to pick up a copy!

  2. loving all the excitement going on for you lately! i can't wait to watch and applaud as it all unfolds! you are such a treasure, judy.

  3. Love the folder Judy, a great rainbow of colours with so much punch

  4. Congrats Judy! Lots of good stuff coming your way. You SO deserve it!

  5. i love, love, love all your new stenciled stuff! You are knocking my socks off! ( well, if I was wearing any...) love your energy...and you and Katie...Look out!!!

  6. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Thanks so much for sharing. These are just all so awesome, and you've got a ton of new ideas crammed into my head. I really need to learn to cut my own stencils, but am not sure yet just where to start!

  7. Congrats on the video interview, judy. it sounds like a great visual mag. and, announcements with you and katie?! oh boy. let me're pregnant! hee, hee. i can't wait to hear the big news.

  8. Well life certainly sounds exciting at the moment -so much happening. Cant wait to hear what's in store with you and katie.

  9. Hi Judy. I guess I'll have to break down and add Indy Arts to my already long list of subscriptions. Of course, back issues will need to be ordered too so I can see my other cyba sista Laurie Mika and her studio - esp the ironing board that hasn't been moved or used since the 90s. My kind of girl! xoxo cheryl

  10. i'm pacing the floor, waiting for you to get here judy...the wine, fruit, and cheese, is ready, the mp3 player is loaded with music, the floor is clear and ready for dancing, the 4' x 8' studio table is clear and ready for the splashing of paint :-)
    xox katie

  11. Judy...

    HOW VERY EXCITING.. for you and Katie to be sharing such wonderful times..

    HMmmm... got some hunches as to what those announcements are...

    don't keep us in suspense too long... or at least not past 8/1 right!


  12. Anonymous3:10 PM

    You've been tagged. :)

    I'm calling it 3 of Me. Post about 3 other possible lives you'd like to have if you could have multiple you's. You can post as if you are your current age or any future age. See my post for an example.
