
Monday, July 16, 2007

More "Disaster"

Not actual disaster, thank heavens, I'm having a busy and great time. But here is the latest installment in my "Disasters of Childhood" series. This grew out of a new stencil, larger than the last one. The wood it is mounted on is a 6x10" piece of birch plywood and is enhanced with encaustic and intaglio filled with oil paint. I discovered the feed to the Flicker group that posts stencil art - very inspiring. But nothing is more inspiring than Mary Ann and her links. I'm having the best time ever exploring this fun approach and have gotten great tips from Michelle too. Oh, sweet generous artists who share everything on the internets: I LOVE YOU! You save me from boredom and the summer blahs. Yay-yah!


  1. i edit a the only magazine about stenciling...The Artistic Stenciler...I would love to have an article from you about your stencil journey...i am always looking for new ideas...feel free to e-mail, rebecca

  2. Love what you did with this stencil and I'm liking this one.

  3. Wow Judy this piece is really awesome - it has a surreal look about it.

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I love John's term of endearment for you. S.of.P. I keep thinking of that and laughing out loud. I have some aprons from my Aunt Ola who would be nearly 100 if she were still alive. I feel the same way about them. Chavo is DEAR. I'm all over the place with my comments today. Bottom line: I'm digging you and your fabulous childhood disaster portraits and your summer cookouts and just......well.......EVERYTHING.

    p.s. love the mirror pic!

  5. I love the concept "dissasters from childhood". What a great title for just about exhibit, an altered book round encautic painting. Love this piece and the image. I think little Judy will be around for awhile.

  6. OOoOOo Judy...

    This series is QUITE intriguing!!!!!

    Show me more... Show me more.

    PS... LOVED your pages in Artful Blogger.. You are My HERO!! AND MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous6:51 PM

    ...the thing of it is, childhood, like reality, is often a nightmare!
    Floods, fires, hansel & gretle! The world is too large, with much beyond reason or comprehesion. Thank heavens for little girls!

  8. Judy, thanks for stopping by my blog, and for being one of my daily inspirations. I love linking over to your blog from Katie's, then on to Dispatch from LA. Tomorrow I'm going to go get a wallpaper sample book so I can spray paint stencils. Kathy (Oly)
