
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow in Portland!

It's coming down in huge bundles of flakes we call bedsheets. A lot of it. It's like someone shook up the snow globe and we are inside it. Oh, it is so beautiful. I just had to share it. Inside the house we have a cozy wood fire and coffee with cream and chocolate. Winter is kind today.


  1. SNOW!! it looks so Good! ..It is hot and humid and ugh here! It has been warm all winter. I can't take the year round hotness anymore! Thank you for the snow!!!!

  2. omg! i cannot believe we are missing this! it's looks beautiful. enjoy it!

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Enjoy the beauty! We've seen nary a flake here in the northeast (I'd like a snow day, myself).

  4. beautiful and inside your house feels so cozy, sipping your delicious coffee....hmmmmmm.

    and bedsheets - i've never heard that, love it.

    we had snow as well yesterday; watching the flakes fall is my favorite part

  5. Wow! Looks so beautiful but please keep most of it up there, ok? I'm already freezing down here in SoCal. We're into the teens at night and that's not normal!! The fire and the coffee with cream and chocolate sounds good though. You can send that down here!!

  6. LOvely snow! We're just getting your weather on the 18th in Edinburgh, Scotland, but only small flakes and a light covering.
