
Monday, January 22, 2007

Make Lemonade

My daughter gave me the idea for the painting of lemons. (24x30") She was having a really hard day on Saturday and telephoned for support. At the end of our long conversation I said, "I'm going to start a new painting when I get off the phone. What shall I make it about?" She immediately answered "Oh, in winter, lemons. Nice, yellow lemons." So I put her sad mood together with the lemons and got "Make Lemonade".

One of my pet theories involves warm and cool colors and their various effect on mood. In the winter I crave the color yellow even more than I do chocolate; when my eyes are bathed in shades of it I experience a soothing, energizing effect and all signs of depression float away. It banishes the blues, get that? Several of my artistic friends have noticed the same thing and we love love love to paint with yellow and especially in the winter.

In this week's New Yorker magazine there is an interesting article about a woman whose career is choosing color for the paint and siding industries. She describes a color based on wasabi; a cool green with a yellow undertone. I like that color. I like the word wasabi. I like the image that comes to mind; that little dab of green paste that explodes on the tongue and reminds you that you are very much alive.

This is what I put in the frame I showed you in the last post. Both the collage and the frame are coated in a nice layer of encaustic; satiny and fragrant, it has the softest feel.

I got up today meaning to start another painting but got hung up reading the blogs of people who bake things, especially this lady here, who is half my age and does more in a day than I do in a week. I saved a half dozen recipes that she made and pictured on her site (she lives in Portland too) - like my mother before me I collect recipes and dream of yummy food all the time but seldom cook. I did all that while my kids were growing up and now I seem to have just run out of enthusiasm for it. If I had hungry teenagers to feed I might be more motivated but now I'd rather paint and cut and paste.

BTW, another good novel just finished - "Digging to America" by Anne Tyler. Just a wonderful, easy read that I finished in 2 days because I couldn't put it down. It is about cultural differences among other things and I think one of Anne's best.


  1. I have seen that Anne Tyler book before, among others of hers, and need to read her work as I still haven't. And as for the bakers, they amaze me. I make a total MESS when I cook. I find crumbs miles away it seems! And another georgous painting!!

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM

    LOVE this painting in your cool frame! Works so well together.

  3. Love the Lemonade! And thaks for the heads up on the book! I like Anne Tyler..I have been looking for an easy read...Thank you! I don't cook anymore, but I used to all the time! Just me now !

  4. I love the lemonade painting. Do you think you'll offer it as a print? I have been reading your blog for a little while and just love your work.

  5. Kate, yes, a print is available if you phone me directly. (503-263-6995) I take visa, mc, paypal.

  6. Making Lemonade is wonderful! The red polka dots are what gets me energized...I love it!

  7. Lemons in Winter...I LOVE IT! And btw I have two teens and still hate to cook...would rather cut paste and play!

  8. I LOVE the lemonade painting and your thoughts on colors. I have been using a lot of naples yellow lately and didn't realize it was probably due to my craving for the sun! Your work is so amazing and I never tire of it ... seeing it is like being bathed in rays of sunshine.Thank you so much for sharing it and for your delightful blog!
