
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Reverse Painting Workshop

I am in the process of painting self-portraits in reverse on mylar in preparation for a workshop I am planning to teach in November. The dates are not firm yet but there will be one or two full day workshops to sign up for. I am writing coil bound booklets for each participant to keep with information on my suppliers, templates for design ideas and suggestions on ways an artist can incorporate this technique into other art projects. Once I have set the date or dates I will send out an email to my email list and begin taking names.

I've had many requests to teach this technique over the years and have never taught it before so this is a first for me. I have taught in the past (watercolor classes at Portland Community College), but that was only for one year and then I needed to return to my schedule of production. The thing I loved best about teaching was the direct interaction with other artists. I am quite excited now and will keep you posted here. I don't think any of the portraits I have painted so far look much like me because my face is never this still and my mouth is always open, usually talking, laughing or giving advice. I have answers!! Ha ha. Maybe the next ones will be more relaxed. Anyhow, it is lots of fun. The idea initially horrified me but now I only regret I didn't start earlier. I think a collection of self portraits painted at intervals over the years would be a wonderful thing to have.


  1. Oh wow this is wonderful Judy! Please share more of these with us when you can! I'm sure your class will be awesome!

  2. This is awesome! I didn't discover this blog last time and I am glad that I took a look today. I LOVE your self-portrait. It's really wonderful! I promise I'll come back for closer looks!

  3. This is wonderful! I love the colors and the expression. Very cool!
