
Friday, September 08, 2006

Art in the Pearl: Part Deux

Dogs and tatoos coming up. But first a show and tell. More goofing around in PhotoElements. I doodled some doodles in front of the TV last night with a ball point pen and colored them in with brushes. Now, do you have any idea how hard this would be to do with actual paint? I LOVE PhotoElements.

Here come the tatoos and the dogs from Art in the Pearl.

Tatoo number one. A Victorian face and a red poppy. Taken in my booth.

Tatoo number two. A crisp carp. The bearer asked the artist to sign it. She said that part made him very nervous as he'd never signed his name on someone's back before.

Tatoo number three. Japan influenced with mysterious calligraphy. Lovely. Dont you think?

Tatoo number four. A green mermaid. And the shells! Really unusual colors and detail. Magenta! I didn't know they could do magenta.

Tatoo number five. A froggie with an owie. This woman was herself a tatoo artist and had many many many to choose from. She is an accomplished artist in her own right and shared her portfolio with me. We will be hearing more from her.

Doggie number one. Pink and black polka dots. The glamorous owner was all dressed in pink too with high heels to match. Very ooooh la la. I'm going to paint them this winter. I get great ideas at the shows for paintings just by people watching.

Doggie number two. I think her name was Lulu. Isn't she gorgeous? I just want to hug her for that great, commanding mug. OK, my screen just told me I am cut off from Blogger so I'm going to go now and see if I lose this entire post. Ciao.


  1. I so love tatoo's....I remember my step-grandfather had one on his arm and I loved tracing around it with my fingers. So when I was 21 I got a small cherry tatoo on my ankle. Sure missed you at the Boise Art in the Park.

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I am not as excited about the tattoos found on humans as I am about the the polka dot tattoos found on your amazing new four-legged friend! That you plan to paint him and his owner is wonderful! I can already picture it. . . :-)

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    The froggy with the owy is too much!!! Great photos and can't wait to see what you do with it all!
