
Sunday, November 23, 2014

A New Learning Curve

I've returned from Bali on fire with interest in textile art (thank you Sue Stover!) We stayed up late into the night discussing bojagi, indigo, boro and more. All these things link to one of my past lives as a batik artist and silk dye painter. To my study of yuzen dyeing on a trip to Japan I made back in the '70's.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I have a dye kit for indigo and look forward to making another one of these.

What is it about Thanksgiving week that finds me so inspired to work in the studio when I need to be cooking and cleaning? It's a phenomenon.

This is my month for 2 separate cataract surgeries. One down and one to go.

I'm a horrible patient. An impatient patient. My hands need to be busy.

Folded paper and sewed up this journal with curved needles and coptic stitch. The stitch looks different than the one made with a single needle, thicker. Now I've done both kinds and loads of long stitch journals and a few with the pamphlet stitch. I'm trying to find the perfect book form for me. I'd be curious to hear about your searches. Do you like one kind better than another and why?

Have spent days in the studio experimenting.

This is what I do when I'm bored or uninspired.

And the journal of course. Always the journal.

Wishing everyone in the USA a cozy and safe Thanksgiving week.Wishing my friends down under a balmy and beautiful spring. Stay creative and keep in touch.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Remembering Bali

After a couple of weeks in Australia Trish and I boarded Garuda Airlines and traveled to Bali. 
We and the encausticampers stayed at Rumah Roda in Ubud, shown above.

Both of these views are looking out my circular bathroom windows, taken at different times of day.

This is a view from the 2nd story restaurant at Rumah Roda.

The door and sitting area of my habitation.

One of my pedicures.

A typical curry dish served at Rumah Roda.

My bed where I slept like a queen.

I was able to spend 3 days printing, tjanting and dyeing at Widya Batik Studio to the Northeast of Ubud. 
I made and sold batiks years ago and it was good to return to a process I love. 
In fact since I've been home I've thought of nothing but indigo and wax.

Stamping fabric with the hot metal stamps and wax.

Hand painting after a dip dye.

Ready for the indigo.

One of my indigo creations. 

This is a photograph of the fields of indigo being grown at the farm at Threads of Life, another batik studio we visited before encaustic classes started. 

Here you can see the iridescent surface of the pot of indigo dye and the leaves floating in it.

Another view of Rumah Roda.

 Several of us visited a wood carving studio.

Here the group is at a silver workshop at the Pondok Pekak Library, making keepsake rings.

Some brave and daring souls decided to commemorate their experience with tattoos.

A number of us took classes in wood carving. 

Yes, I was craving familiar food after a couple of weeks!

My friend Kathie who organizes trips asked if I wanted to go back and teach this coming September. At first I said, "too soon". 
But now I've been thinking. 
Twist my arm - lol.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Australia Encausticamp

Yes, I've been traveling. First to Sydney where I spent several days exploring and opening a show with my friends at the Frances Keevil Gallery

Of course we visited the Rocks and the waterfront.

Had a room with a wonderful view of water and sailboats.

And had a showing of our encaustic paintings.

Opening night was everything we'd hoped for. Lots of visitors to see the work.

The lovely Jenny Sages came and addressed the audience briefly. What a thrill it was to meet her.

Shortly after the opening, the 4 of us drove down to Kiama where we enjoyed a week of creating with the Aussie women.

Boy, were they a lot of fun.

One thing I love about Australia is tea time. Not once but twice a day. That's civilized!

We stayed in cabins right on the water's edge in Kiama. 

One night we had a hurricane with 100 mph winds but that didn't dampen our spirits. The lights went out and we told ghost stories over bottles of wine and candles. Fun.

Exciting art was created.

I shared my journal in an after-hours session.

Once again a reminder of how vast and kind the world can be. These women. Lodged in my heart and memory.

Thank you Trish Seggebruch, women of Australia, Michelle Belto and Sue Stover for the time we shared together. Neither pictures nor words can do it justice. xo