
Monday, January 06, 2014

Welcome to 2014

Sunny and pleasant in Oregon today while the rest of the country is huddled to stay warm. We had our cold weather about a month ago; I hope that's the end of it for this winter. But hey, I'm headed off to 80 degrees so after a miserable day in economy I'll be in the clear. But I'll be thinking about winter. Ugh. It tries us.

I've been painting every day. Painting and writing and visiting online. That's my survival plan for winter.

And reading. Just finished Quiet. And before that Random Family. Those weren''t novels. Saving the novels for Meh-hee-ko. That and more Spanish classes. Study study study. For minimal improvement but I keep trying.

John and I are both doctoring it up. Him for some serious changes in his eyes and me for arthritis in the thumb of my right hand. My thumb thing came on this summer after the Alabama Chanin hand stitching obsession and it hasn't gone away. I have a brace and instructions to take it easy and I'm doing that. I've worked with my hands all my life so I suppose this isn't a surprise. Production printmaking (hand wiping etched plates), wood-cuts, book making and of course painting have all taken a toll.

For that reason I'm working smaller now.

What this set back tells me though is how fortunate my life has been. 
To have enjoyed good health and a brilliant opportunity to do so much.

Oh, how I love T. S. Eliot in the winter!

Carry on, mis amigos. Keep on making stuff. xoxoxo

PS-- Here I am about an hour later re-reading this and realizing that I almost sound depressed in this update. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. When I'm depressed I'm not painting or doing any of the fun things I've been doing. It's true I'm not a fan of winter but I still get out in my scarf and boots and keep busy and engaged with my friends. I like the hot chocolate, going to the movies and traveling in the winter. So don't think I'm in a low huddle over here 'cause that's not the case. :-D


  1. You have been busy Judy, I love your paintings. It's summer here but yesterday was very cold, to us anyway, 17degC. Your journal pages are so inspiring, I'm still trying to keep mine going but get a bit slack sometimes, life gets in the way of journalling. I hope health issues for you and John get sorted quickly. Have a wonderful time away. We visited the Tea House in Olinda over the weekend, I still think of our lovely meal and sketching day there. Love Ro xo

  2. I wish I lived closer so we could go to the movies and have a hot chocolate together! Safe travels for you and John, hope you both are not hampered by your physical ailments too much to enjoy Oaxaca, I know you won't be! xo

  3. you didn't sound depressed to me! Beautiful work as always Judy and wishing you warmth and sunshine. I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish on this start that I see tonight that I could go to mexico with you and kathie! ah well, I can still wish. xo and happy new year!

  4. Your journal pages are lovely as always and you have been busy. My hands have been giving me fits the last few years too... one of the tings that has really helped me is to actually crochet. Sounds weird I know but it's totally different movements and it really helps. I have met other people who have said the same thing too. The hand stitching like in the Alabama Chanin style clothing will get me every time too. The perils and payments of a long and productive life.

  5. Painting! What a delightful prescription for the winter doldrums!

  6. Judy, I think your winter survival pan is absolutely perfect! I love this new painting. I remember purchasing your "Reader" print many years ago and realizing that what I really wanted to do was paint like you. You have been a big influence on me and I love you for it!

  7. Wonderful post Judy...your painted ladies are so beautiful.

    We had sunshine in Kansas but very cold temps. It was -2 this morning!

    Enjoy the winter quiet and doings. Sounds like you are already!

  8. You have just the very best time in Mexico. It makes me happy to think of you in the sun, having fun, learning more Spanish (so you can help me make myself understood come September in Oaxaca) and doing your painting/journaling/creating. Safe travels and I hope you do not have cancelled flights like I am dealing with. My trip had a hitch but it'll all be good again on Wednesday. I wish you NO hitches!

    Vaya con Dios!


  9. Sweet Judy. Have a grand time in Oaxaca and bask in the art, food and people. Can't wait to share our trip together, and Bridgette, we wish upon every star that you can join us, too! Wouldn't we have fun!

  10. Happy to hear you are feeling happy, dear one. Oh, those old hands of ours!

  11. I don't think you sound depressed at all. I think you sound like you are surrendering to the winter hibernation mode, this time of year where we must readjust, go smaller, tighter, cozier to survive and thrive...
    You do inspire so, Judy !
    Kisses on your sore magical hands !
    Be winter well.

  12. oh the aging thing... sorry about the thumb.. have braces will draw! Have fun in a warm, sunny, happy place!!!

  13. Well you still continue to inspire me my cherub!

  14. i am smiling big over here. such lovely (small) work! i shall be sending warm healings for that thumb, i know how this can hold one back...but then we find our ways. BEAUTIFUL post, judy.

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