
Friday, November 22, 2013

Little Pieces

As much as anything, I'm posting today in a fit of procrastination. 

A friend contacted me last night to ask if my feet were on the ground here yet. I can say that yes, I do feel at home now. I'm back in the studio and also reading a lot. Looking out the window at the frozen landscape which is so beautiful. Daydreamy. Thinking about the face painting online class that a group of you have requested. I've never considered doing it before because others have done it but it is true that we each bring something unique to the table.

I'm not fully in on the idea yet. So that's just a recurring thought.

Eating too much. That's a symptom.


Counting the days until Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to that.

Being grateful for a warm house, hot coffee, my excellent mate and the ways he is kind to me and that I am kind to him. It makes us both content.

These are the two books I've just read; the first one leading me into the second which is related. 

Discovered I'm a yankee through and through. Well, kind of a Buddhist-leaning Yankee. 

November. *sigh* Don't you think they invented these winter holidays here in the northern hemisphere to distract us from cabin fever and the like? 

Maybe I'll go clean the house now. 


  1. i'm procrastinating here too … feet on the ground … head in the clouds … dirty (messy) house. It is all good:))). Love YOU, P

  2. I love, love, love looking at your journal pages. Thanks for sharing them. I am always inspired to be more creative in my journals.

    I hope you are able to continue to be gentle with yourself at this cabin-feverish time of year. Especially after such a wonder-filled adventure in Mexico. There is something life-shifting about intentional, thoughtful, artful travel.

  3. geez where do I start? good that your feet are on the ground, lovely pages... seems like you are really chewing on things... and now that I am moved to the south... my yankeeness is really amplified... oh and yes, holidays, a perfect distraction... :D

  4. Mary Dean4:58 PM

    If you teach that class online, I'm in! :)

  5. dorylyn10:32 PM

    I just finished reading The Alchemist by Paublo Coelho. And now I am on E squared by Pam Grout. I am in on the face painting should you make that decision. I always love peeking inside your journal!

  6. Judy, about the online face painting class, "it is true that we each bring something unique to the table" but another truth is that we all bring our on audience to the table too. And here is the kicker, there are new artist discovering their creativity every day who don't have a clue who those other teachers are. But they found you or found you first. And they want to learn from you.
    I believe there is room for anyone who wants to teach.

    What if there were only one Math teacher?

  7. Judy - it was a dreamy adventure in Mexico - and I don't have my feet on the ground yet, but I've had to plow through homework with the kids anyway. Life continues whether you're truly there or not.

  8. I would love a face painting class too. We all have a unique way.
    Love your pages!

  9. Fun reading your thoughts. I feel your winter nest(ing) process. I'm in your neck of the woods getting my kid fix. Nothing could be better! Sending hugs! Thanksgiving gratitude for having so much good in life! We do!
    And I love your journal pages! Enjoy!

  10. I truly love your work....and your blog is so amazing!
