
Monday, September 08, 2008

Off on the Red Eye

One last farewell before John and I leave for the airport. Worked very hard this week shipping boxes, writing new proposals, putting everything in order so I can be gone for a week without leaving anything undone. Spent lots of time with my kitty. He is just a little rag doll now but his affection seems to increase as he continues to weaken. He sleeps on our feet or our shoes and talks to us in a croaky meow. He represents a long and treasured era in our lives.

Heads up on the great Art Fair that happens after Squam in Sandwich, NH. If you are in the area and can come I am sure it will be a wonderful opportunity to shop for lovely handmade things. I know of several artists who will have soft goods, books and so on; let's have a nice turn out for these deserving people. I, of course, will be recording the event for you.

I'm looking forward to seeing many old, well-loved friends there as well as meeting for the first time many of my blog heros. If you are coming, safe travel. I'll be back in a week. Ciao.


  1. Have a good one, Judy. And that journal page is awesome. Tell us all about it when you can. Love and good wishes to the Kitty, from Athens GA.

  2. Have a great time Judy! I have had the same experience with my aged kitties. They seem to need more human contact and love as they get older.

  3. Have a good time, I'm excited to see your footage. :]

  4. I'm sorry to hear your lovey kitty is on the downhill slide. I had to put my big boy to sleep a couple of weeks ago because his lung tumors were compromising his breathing. I still keep expecting him to appear on the laundry room counter, waiting for me to scoop his turkey breakfast out for him.

    On another note, I'm bummed! I first-preferenced "Wax the Casbah" at ArtFest and got my second or third choice instead! I had so much fun in your Thurday eve and Friday class at Art Unraveled that I wanted more. But I guess it's the universe telling me not to be so piggy, to let others have the chance to experience your magic.

    Have a safe trip.

  5. I look forward to reading about it. Home safely!

  6. Love to kitty!

    I can't wait to investigate some of the books you show in your sidebar.

    Your hubby's garden is so abundent and beautiful!

  7. i love that "took someone off my bloglines for cheering the Republicans"....
    love it, love it! (i do that too, in fact, i try to be very, very careful about who i put on my bloglines and links on my site).

  8. Love the face and your faces in the journal pages.
    I feel for you, we had to have our 'rag doll' put down this week after eighteen years. After all the grief and sadness, it amazed me the relief I felt after it was over, making the decision is the unbearable part.
    Have a great week away, look forward to your posts when you return

  9. Have a wonderful time

  10. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Have a great time1 Thank you so much for the award.Means so much to me!

    Hope to make it to Squam next year.
