
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Picnic on the Sandy River

Today it is sunny and 73 degrees and we're going on a picnic. It is being held at a secret location on the Sandy river on the property of John's relatives. Follow me, it's going to be fun and there are plenty of libations for all.

Past the treehouse. I'll bet there were some good stories associated with this place. Makes me want to bring my sleeping bag, a good book and curl up for a stay.

Or wait, maybe I'll lie back on this hammock instead. Prop my lemonade on a tree stump and bliss out for a few hours.

Oh, I see they've got the snacks ready for us. There will be brots and brisket and beans, salads, and pickles later - the tables will groan with food. But take a chip, grab a brew and hang out for awhile. Let your appetite build.

This is the little sheep shed that one of the cousins built for an experiment of raising sheep. Cousin Jack said he turned out to be afraid of sheep though (afraid of sheep?) so he dragged the shack down to the water's edge for fishing. Turns out he wasn't afraid of steelhead.

Oops, look out! Frisky dog on the loose, all hopped up on fetching sticks out of the glacial melt swift current and thrilled to be out with the crowd of party-goers.

Look, strangers floating down the river on rafts. Nice occupation for a sunny afternoon. Quiet and peaceful. Just floating down the river. Sweetest job on earth.

Bailey and her poppa enjoying the icy current. Half the fun was watching Bailey and her little sister Mia play in the water with the dog. Almost as much fun as watching baby goats pronk.
(that thing where they fly straight up in the air - I'm not sure it's a real word)

John and I of course took a hike down the river looking for rocks that looked like speckled eggs or hearts or some other quality that spoke to us. I have collected rocks always. Had a great clunker of pure asbestos as a child in Arizona before we knew it was a bad thing. I loved to peel apart the silvery fibers and set them into the breeze. I magically believe nothing so beautiful could ever hurt me. And I'm kind of an old gal now so it hasn't. Beautiful rocks that have freely given me so much enjoyment.

Here they are; one heart and one egg. The egg is a perfect bright yellow ochre and the heart says "I love you". Now let's go get a plate full of summer.


  1. What a grand day, thanks for sharing it with us all. Love the heart stone (I, too love to collect stones from all over--a little piece of where I've been).

  2. From one heart rock collector to another, may I say YOU DID GOOD!!! A beeeUtiful and smooth heart. Lovely post. I felt I was right there enjoying it with you...if ONLY. As your temps were much lovlier than here.

    Best ~ Rella

  3. Thank you, you gave me a bit of summer, when we are so sorely lacking it here in England! I'll get some when I get to Nova Scotia in August, but it seems distant.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    kelly, my fountian overflows with heart rocks at home, and yesterday at our beach, i made a heart rock with wings of seaweed.....thanks to your inspiration and encouragement i finally have blog.... and i love your friend that you saved the seat for....thanks for linking pureheart xxoo minnie

  5. Hi Judy! I tried to e-mail you but it bounced back. Thank you for the tour! I know you're really busy this season... but I wanted to tell you I am thinking of you and miss you!

  6. What a fabulous place for a picnic Judy, as the Aussie's say,' put another prawn on the barbie', though most of us never bar-b-que prawns.


  7. Anonymous10:58 PM

    what a glorious day you all must have had. thanks for sharing it with me. that sheep shed makes me laugh. it is terrible cute. as are you! what a beautiful photo of you with your treasures and your happy hat. lovely girl. :0)
