
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Look Who Isn't Painting

Me. Not working. e-mailing friends, talking on the phone, eating strawberries and ice cream, sitting in the sunshine. Resting after a long stretch of work. Ahhhhhh ................... This is how I get ready for the 4th.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    now you are making me giggle and want ice cream with strawberries at the same time. i posted a picture of my toes today too. ha! what a couple of wacky girls. ruth rae swears to me that when your second toe is longer then your first toe it means you are very bossy. she is 100% certain that i had plastic surgery to shorten my second toe. i see yours is still intact. ;0) so are you a bossy girl, judy? lol!

  2. hey kelly, when I was a little girl my nickname (given to me by my sisters) was bossy-cow. :-) Does that answer your question?

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    mmm, looks heavenly--the relaxation and the ice-cream!

  4. Love the reds! My second toe is longer as well. I thought it meant we were geniuses.

    Your story on the fair was wonderful. Beautiful booth, great people.
