
Thursday, May 17, 2007

The May Garden

Hermanito and I welcome you to the tour of the May garden. Just a few peeks here and there so you'll know what keeps us distracted and entertained when we are not in the studio working.

The Siberian Irises are popping out left and right. I love the color and form. I have 3 other irises in bloom right now but chose these for center stage.

A little wabi-sabi. Wire work by the DH.

Red chard. We have bright yellow too. A few years ago John planted a variety called "firecracker" or something like that and now we get all these colorful chard volunteers. Really good in soups or raw in salads. Makes your complexion glow.

Graham Thomas. The butter of the rose world. They smell like apples to me. I love them.

John grows all his tomatoes and peppers in these twee little houses. Once I stuck my head inside one just for a visit and found the atmosphere inside warm, humid and deliciously fragrant. No wonder his plants are so grateful and perform so splendidly. He is a most nurturing man.

This is the leek nursery - the babies tucked safely inside their magical protective ring. They will be transplanted when they get stronger.

Ferns and columbine growing wild everywhere. Ahhh, Oregon. You are a gentle home.

This is John's method for holding the fava beans upright so they dont fall over sideways and crush each other. Little "walkers" to support them. We (as in John) make a fava bean soup with olive oil and garlic. It is very simple and awesome.

Cecile Brunner roses. Very fragrant and as tiny as the button on your mama's coat. All the roses are opening their faces.

I read that the honeybees are in danger but you wouldn't know it if you got anywhere near this Mountain Lilac. The bush swarms with sound and energy for the weeks that it is covered in blossoms. This bush is the one exception to my rule that all my flowers must be fragrant. It is fragrant in a bad way. But beautiful. We will accept such bad behavior when it is accompanied by beauty - n'est ce pas?

The north garden. The white are row covers over the tender plants. Blueberry bushes in the foreground. Douglas firs in the rear. Hazelnuts (filberts) behind those. Squirrels absolutely everywhere.

That's the end of the garden tour for today. Hermanito and I thank you for stopping over. Next time we'll have coffee cake.


  1. many thanks to you and hermanito for the beautiful glimpses of your garden paradise, and to the the green thumb jon for creating such beauty and deliciousness. i can so relate to your changing mood, you know. i will be writing you an email as soon as i can form and pull words out of this head of mine, i'm a bit on overload. thank you for comments on my blog, i always feel warm and loved when i read it's from my beloved judy.

  2. Judy Wise! I love your garden. And Hermanito. He's a fine fellow. Your weather looks like ours in July. It is going to get down into the 30s here in upstate NY tonight. I lost one planting of flowers to a hard frost Sunday night. It never occurred to me that it might happen so I wasn't prepared. We (as in Jon) will be growing some delicious food in our garden soon too. Jon likes to grow it and I like to eat it, so we are a good pair.
    Happy gardening and sunny days to you!

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Lock that Hermanito boy up now because I'm coming to get him. That is the best cat face ever. Ohh...your garden is really straight from a storybook. I love that your dear John grows fava beans and that you make soup and eat it up. I've never been to Oregon but I see now that I must go and explore your lovely part of the world. Thanks for offering it up on such a pretty plate.

  4. What a beautiful garden ! I would like to walk and sit in your garden and dreaming and...

  5. You are truly blessed to have such an Eden! I'm sure it takes a lot of work too!

  6. WOW...what a garden. And Hermanito is a little cutito! Thanks for sharing all that beauty today, Judy.xo

  7. so beautiful...thank you for taking us along on this tour...i want to come and see it in person! spend an afternoon getting tips from your dear husband...

    blessings to you sweet one...

  8. Your drawings are stunning... I love your banner lady with the red cat! Wonderful. I also loved the art in your tag post, keep up the great jobs with your drawing art...

  9. i love your cat's name. :)

    my siberian irises are popping up to this week. Their beauty always surprises me every spring.

    thanks for the tour of your garden!

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Judy, what a beautiful cat, w/ a little heart shaped nose. And a hubby who gardens and cooks, seems like nirvana over there. Thanks again for sharing. Hope our paths will cross again soon.
    Steph B

  11. Anonymous10:19 PM

    HI Judy,
    I haven't been here for quite some time....loved seeing all of your pictures of Europe and your garden too. You just have one of the BEST blogs going. Not sure how you manage it all and get beautiful art created as well! You're amazing! By the way, could you tell me where you saw the mannequins that you photographed, I have a little collection of those and loved the ones in the store window. I see that you have a big show coming up...all the best with it...and welcome home.
    Ciao, Laurie

  12. Thanks for the tour of your garden Judy, it's absolutely beautiful, how do you find the time to keep it in such great shape. I love my garden but it's very time consuming.

  13. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Wow, where I live in Sweden spring has just arrived - and you have full summer how lovely. Love your cat, and garden too, thanks for sharing!
