
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Fever

It's nearly impossible to stay in the studio with all the drama going on outside my windows. The fragrance from the Daphne, Plum Blossoms and Peach Blossoms is overpowering; my eyes glaze over and I drift outdoors in a trance. Even the cat has taken to lying on the porch in a sunbeam instead of pestering me to play. Oh, the dedication it takes to attend to my tasks. The first photo is of the Peach tree that didn't produce a single peach last year after a late frost caused all the blossoms to drop. This year again it is covered in promises. We're trying not to think that we could have a late frost this year.

This is the painting I finished today. It is 20x24" on bumpy linen. I've had a series of visitations from the dark messengers in the painting this winter; they bring me the gifts that fuel my work but they are cruel too and so I regard them with mixed emotions. I'm telling too much here.

The lovely Wallflower is covered in sweet, pristine flowers. I love the dusty sage colored foliage. It sits between several varieties of Lavendar in my flower bed.

This common azalea is just outside my studio door. When we built the studio onto the house we removed many azaleas but kept this one to remind us of the others.

That's all for this post, folks. I'm seriously getting ready for Artfest now, only a week away. My plan is to glide in on Wednesday and take it easy for the next 3 days. Last year I overdid it so bad that I had to take to my couch with the vapors; I won't spend my time like that again. I'm looking forward to seeing many cherished friends and meeting new ones as well. I'll have a table there on vendor's night so if you're lucky enough to be attending be sure to stop by and introduce yourself. I'm thinking about submitting a teaching proposal for next year; give me some feedback about what you'd like me to present.


  1. wow Judy you have a fabulous garden, we're heading into our autumn although the weather is still very hot. I can't wait for our spring blossoms, with our mildish winters our daffodils start in mid winter.
    I love the new painting, where do you get all your ideas from?
    Have a great time at Artfest, it makes our little retreat pale into insignificance, although Nina did say she liked the friendliness of our smaller group, but I think she was just being nice. To be surrounded by all that talent must be a buzz.

  2. The painting here is beautiful, and that PEACH tree!!!!! wow.

    I'd love to take a reverse-painting-on-glass class from you, as well as a straight acrylic painting class...
