
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Artfest Bound

I completed 2 more layouts in the "Mermaid Diaries" book exchange that I am doing with Bee. She has been wonderfully patient with me; I'm afraid I've let my end languish until now. But we will meet up again at Artfest (she lives on the east coast and I on the west) so I got myself motivated and produced these in time to take with me.

I love drawing with a fat brush and black paint or sumi ink. Sumi is a warm black color with a slight sheen that is just beautiful on the paper; close to bone black which is made from burnt bones. Mars black is made from chemistry and is a cold black that I think is not so beautiful. I gravitate toward a warm palette.

John has seedlings coming up under lights in the garage. These are representative of the peppers he grows out for himself and a few friends. Aren't they lovely - so alive and dependent at this stage. John caters to their every need.

The tomatoes were planted at the same time but they propagate more lustily and so they are well on their way.

This is my 8x8 that I'm taking to Artfest. Each of us has been invited to bring a piece in this size. Mine is mixed media on wood; paint, paper, collage, encaustic.

If you are lucky enough to be attending, I look forward to seeing you there. For the rest of you, I will take a lot of photos to share on my return over the weekend.


  1. Hi Judy
    Have a wonderful time, I'd love to take one of your classes. I love the painting and your journal work, everything is so happy and colourful

  2. Enjoy your time at artfest. The seedlings are all looking healthy and well tended.

    Your painting is lovely, I especially like the clutch of yellow flowers.

    I am adding your blog to my blog links!
