
Friday, February 02, 2007

Wildly Busy

If only my life was quiet right now. Ironic, isn't it, that I started this page during Katie's workshop and have been noodling it off and on since then. Maybe I will call it done now. The message is one I really believe; that if you are too successful, too well-known, have too much money or too many friends, you will never have the time or the presence of mind to settle down and work. At least this is the way it is with me.

Two days ago I scoured second hand stores searching for the illusive rug hook (I think I have found one through the tender mercy of an old friend who inherited it from another old friend). During my foray however I did find a second hand microwave oven to cook the dyes into the wool remnants; now I am ready to transfer my sketch onto the scotch burlap and start dyeing the wool and cutting it into small strips. I am excited.

Then yesterday I hung 14 canvases in the Library of my small town. Or rather, John did. They looked so small in the ginormous room; I made a mental note to paint on larger canvases as I surveyed the walls. The paintings will hang there for 6 weeks now; I miss them like I missed my own children when they left home. I just like to have my babies close by I suppose.

And today I visited the studio of an artist friend who has finally earned the privilege of retiring from her stressful job to become a full timer. She made me a lovely lunch and we combed through her inspiring collection of projects that she has created or purchased or recieved in trades and gifts from friends. It was a most magical day and I am still covered in pixie dust from the experience. There are so many artists in our area; we are blessed with a strong and vibrant community that supports and encourages each other. It is as it should be.

Tomorrow I really hope to start my next painting. I am getting quite itchy to mix paint and watch the magic unfold under my brush. Nobody gets as much happiness out of my paintings as I do in the process of creating them. We were made to be creative I believe. If we dont use our magic to create beauty it will twist into a destructive thing that we cannot control - ooooh, dont let this happen to you!! ;-) Be a happy human and use your magic for good things.


  1. Your line, "The full moon is inside your house," inspires wonder in me - especially as I've been gazing at the full moon outside my window last night and tonight. Now I wonder if I'll picture it inside the house when I close my eyes tonight.

  2. Hasnt the full moon been amazing? I watched it balloon up over the trees last night and it was like an enormous, luminous pearl. Breath taking.

  3. I love reading your blog. I also love the work your are doing!

  4. Judy.... you say you have been just tinkering... winter dreaming..

    but I see lots and lots of thoughtful working and wonderful inspiration from a lady who has been very busy!


  5. vlqI was wondering what kind of ink you use that writes so well over everything?!
