
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Checking In

Gosh, I feel guilty about not having more to share. How and when did that happen? At any rate, I've been sidelined by taxes and other nuts and bolts activities; all the things I'd classify as the drudgery end of being a working artist. Others have written about how much time they spend on these uninspiring activities so I wont get into that. Anymore I try to do as little of those things as possible. I just want to have the fun stuff; after being a mom and a worker bee I think it is finally time for me to play.

There are new calves in the field across the lane that are so innocent and untutored that they walk right up to you with trust and sweet expressions on their faces. I confess that they have stolen my heart. So today I am painting a big canvas of a cow with a placid demeanor; wish me luck. You'll see it in a day or two.